Health Horoscope 2020 for Leo moon sign

Health Horoscope

Leo moon sign natives are ruled by Sun, which is considered as the natural significator of health. They always try to put in extra efforts in doing things. They have varied and extreme moods, so it is quite natural for them to get over excited about some good work and terribly depressed over a minor failure.

You need to learn to balance your emotions to protect your mental health. You have to understand that both mental and physical health have a connection. And, if you can segregate the two, you will be able to ensure a healthy lifestyle, in totality.

Leo moon sign natives may anticipate some favorable changes in health and lifestyle during the year 2020. You will be motivated to care more for your overall well-being and thus, will commit to a regular health regime.

Some of the important health periods during the year will include:

  • The middle months of the year will offer a good state of health and well-being. Some health problems are evident in the months of August and September.
  • During the last lag of the year, an increase in work load will try to put some pressure on your health. Proper rest and relaxation, meditation and yoga techniques will help you recover from the likely stress conditions.

Start your year with optimism and self-control

You will be in a good state of general health during the beginning of the year 2020 till March. However, there is an indication of developing anxiety over children’s health matters, as it may get affected. It won’t be anything serious but medical aid would still be required and if given in time it will help lessen the impact. This will also assist in keeping you stress levels in check. During this time, it will be important for the Leo natives to think wisely and keep aside the worries to focus more on the rectification of situation.

Between April and May, your heath horoscope shows some drastic changes in your life as your planetary positions change. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be moving into your 6th house, where Jupiter will be debilitated, Saturn will be in its own sign and Mars will be exalted. Around the same time, your moon sign will be in your 8th house. A combined effect of all this will be apparent on your health which will show signs of some illness, however, proper diagnosis may not happen. Chances of some chronic illness effecting your health is also high, where prolonged medication will be required to ease the condition.

Proceed ahead with caution and care

From June to July, when Saturn will retrograde and move into your 6th house of diseases, there will be an increase in the stress levels of Leo moon sign born people, due to personal and professional reasons. Amid Jupiter’s retrogression in its own sign in your 5th house, quick recovery from any disease will be offered, but only if you are able to balance your outputs and temperaments. Spending quality time with family is advised to get some relief from a persistent phase of anxiety and worry.

By August-September you will need to pay greater attention and care towards your health, as your moon sign will be in your 12th house, reveals your health horoscope for the year 2020. Disturbances in health will be quite evident, in this period. During this time, Saturn will cast an aspect over your 12th house and 8th house, which is malefic. Therefore, pain related to joints, skin problems or issues related with blood circulation may surface. You are required to be extra cautious in dealing with health matters in these months. Any ignorance may result in complications, which may take longer than expected in getting cured.

Culminate the year on a healthy note

As you approach year-end, the placement of Sun in your 2nd house of family and finance will give out beneficial results. During October to December, a Leo moon sign native will be able to get gains through several mediums and your family relations will also be harmonious. There would be some level of increase in your work load, around this time. Hence, you are advised to balance work and personal life, to keep a check on your anxiety and worry. If ignored, intense emotional stress may set in, which could also lead to physical health ailments. In any such severe circumstances, you should consult the specialist doctor for medical assistance, on priority.

Meditation and yoga will be some of the fruitful precautionary measures, which can help you in staying fit and healthy and avoid any major health complications, during the year.

Year 2020 health predictions for other moon signs