Yoga Analysis

Guru-Chandaal Yoga

Planets move together to form combinations in horoscope. In the process, they create opportunities for us to improve our life. more

USD 39 / Rs.2340 Order Now
Maha-Yoga analysis

Maha Yoga, as the name suggests is a very powerful combination of planets casued due to clustering of planets in a birth chart. more

USD 55 / Rs.3300 Order Now
Sukh-Sampatti yoga

In a horoscope, the level of luck & good fortune is seen by the placements of planets and their mutual relationships. more

USD 55 / Rs.3300 Order Now
Lagnadhi Yoga

Continuous & Uninterrupted Success throughout Life more

USD 64 / Rs.3840 Order Now
Raj Yoga

Raj Yoga in your horoscope makes you a born leader & gives you a destiny similar to the unique category of people more

USD 39 / Rs.2340 Order Now
Budh-Aditya Yoga

Budh Aditya Yoga is a life-modifying and destiny-changing Yoga that is formed when Sun and Mercury come together in a Horoscope more

USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now
Chandra Mangal Yoga

Chandra Mangal Yoga is formed by the conjunction of Moon & Mars; and blesses you with an uncommon ability to amass wealth. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now

Fame, Support & High Position due to Power Centres more

USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now
Sunapha/Anapha Yoga

The horoscope of financially stable and well off people shows the promise of Sunapha Yoga, the powerful wealth generating combination. more

USD 84 / Rs.5040 Order Now
Dharam-Karma Yoga

It is a very lucky & rare combination of planets found in the horoscopes of the few fortunate people. more

USD 84 / Rs.5040 Order Now
Amala Yoga

The underlying principle of Amala Yoga is the ability and potential of the person (i.e., you) to do good. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now
Maha Purush Yoga

Maha Purush means a great person. This yoga makes a person truly great and gives a boost in profession and relationships. more

USD 84 / Rs.5040 Order Now
Dhan Yoga

A Dhan Yoga in your horoscope blesses you with a natural and great ability to attract wealth. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now