Lagnadhi Yoga Analysis

Lagnadhi Yoga Analysis


Continuous & Uninterrupted Success throughout Life

A yoga is Vedic Astrology's unique method of calculating some stellar positions and combinations of planets where the sum of the effect of those planets is more than the parts that add up to form the yoga. A Lagnadhi Yoga is formed based on calculations pertaining to the position of the Moon from the Ascendant (Lagna). A yoga confers some unique & powerful results, whether they are beneficial or maleficent, based on the horoscope of the person where the Yoga resides.

What is Lagnadhi Yoga?

  • The underlying principle of Lagnadhi Yoga is continuous and uninterrupted success throughout one’s life.
  • The logic of this yoga rests on the placements of the benefic planets in the 6th, 7th & 8th houses from the Lagna or from Moon, where they are neither conjunct nor aspected by the malefic planets, which are in positions other than the 4th house.
  • Lagna defines our looks, expression and personality. This yoga renders you strong and affliction-free to lead a successful and courageous life. It creates confidence and willpower in you to live life with courage, to look for more opportunities, uplifts your inner strength and paves the way for a successful life.
  • Lagnadhi Yoga is a very important yoga as it enhances your personality and gives you the push to achieve your goals and become successful.
  • It opens up opportunities and closed doors, whereby you can explore and enhance your creativity and innovative ideas.
  • It can make you highly educated, polite, commander of the armed forces, recognized, wealthy, talented, and a great spiritualist.
  • It will make you create numerous logical and philosophical work.
  • It will make you live a long and blissful life.

Some famous personalities with Lagnadhi Yoga in their horoscope

  • Jennifer Lawrence (American Actor)
  • Mukesh Ambani (Indian Industrialist)
  • Mamata Banerjee (Indian Politician)
  • Mark Zuckerberg (American Entrepreneur & Philanthropist)

What should you do if you are blessed with this Yoga?

To amplify the benefits of this yoga or to make this yoga functional, you should:

  • Be true to yourself and follow your heart.
  • Focus on character building.
  • Maintain a healthy relationship with your spouse.
  • Respect yourself and others.
  • Work hard and also help others rise in life.
  • Avoid illegal activities, avoid dishonesty and lying to others.

Benefits of Langnadhi Yoga Report

This yoga is a blessing that can be amplified by your hard work, helping nature, respect for Self and others. Our team would prepare for you a Lagnadhi Yoga report to:

  • Analyze the quality of the yoga in your horoscope, how strong it is.
  • Map when it will deliver its maximum results for you (early, mid or old age).
  • Discern if the yoga in your birth chart is hindered by bad planets.
  • Provide guidance on actions you should take and avoid to enhance the good effects.

Helpful Tips:

  • Analyze the strength of Lagnadhi Yoga in your horoscope.
  • Map when it will deliver its maximum results for you (early, mid or old age).
  • Guidance on actions you should take & avoid, to enhance good effects.

Report Size:

10 Pages


