365 Day Horoscope Report – One Year Report

2024 - 25 : 365 Day Horoscope Report – One Year Report


Your 365 Day period Predictions: Cyclical Forecasts

This report is a versatile version of a one year report that doesn’t just work on a calendar year basis. Our expert astrologers prepare a report for the next 365 days period from the date this report is requested on the Indastro.com platform. This covers:

An Annual Cycle: That will cover the one year / 365 day window and give you a clear visibility of your life & destiny over this period.

Monthly prediction: The report will then cover month wise for predictions covering your Career & Love / marriage life.

Daily predictions: lastly the report will cover your day to day predictions as per your Moon sign to help you gain visibility as well as determine in advance on how a particular day could pan out for you. This part of the report is most beneficial to plan for important business meeting or romantic rendezvous etc.

Key Factors & Influences that would shape your Next 365 Days

The upcoming 365 days beginning July 2024 will see a broadly three phases:

1. The phase would be dominated by retrogression of Saturn starting July, followed by Jupiter’s retrogression in October and then Mars shifting into retrogression in December. This will shift the way of thinking & overall scenario in various parts of our life on a personal as well as world level.

2. The second phase would begin with the Retrogression of Venus and close proximity of Saturn & Rahu, that will influence hardening of attitude and a certain amount of seriousness in what we do. Worldwide stress levels could rise.

3. The last phase could be critical with the actual conjunction of Rahu & Saturn and a somewhat transformative 5 planet combination that will have effects in April, May & June 2025 which will also see change of house for Saturn & Jupiter leading to change in equations in our personal lives as well as on the world stage.

Benefits of the 365 Day Horoscope Report

This is a unique concept report by Indastro that will provide:

  • An annual view to help you look at things in the larger scheme of things to help you take some strategic decisions about life, based on the major planetary changes over the next 365 days.
  • A monthly view to help you assess the progression of the year & look for positive & negative trends to plan your activities, travels, major moves in profession & in relationships.
  • A daily view with a day by day forecast of the next 365 days with a focus on career & love; this helps map the entire year along with clear guidance & time to time remedies to cross any hurdle or pitfall.

Note: This 365 day horoscope report could act as your daily journal as well as a planner for the upcoming period.

Helpful Tips:

  • Annual view to help you look at things in the larger scheme of things.
  • Monthly view to help you assess the progression of the year & look for positive & negative trends.
  • Day by day forecast of the next 365 days with a focus on career & love.
  • Remedies to cross any hurdle or pitfall in the next 365 days.

Report Size:

20 Pages


