(Moon Sign Based)
Uttara Bhadrapada constellation in Pisces is ruled by Saturn. Its deity is Ahir Budhanya or the dragon. It is symbolized by ‘snake in the water’ or the 'back legs of a funeral cot’. Both of these are associated with spiritual ascension after death.
Uttara Bhadrapada is the 26th nakshatra (constellation) of the zodiac ruled by Saturn. Saturn’s positive associations are discipline, righteousness and patience. Its negative qualities are laziness, self-service and vindictive behavior. This comprises the ‘tamasic’ nature of this nakshatra. It spans from 3.20 – 16.40 degrees in Pisces.
However, this nakshatra is very good for career and people from this nakshatra generally hold lucrative positions which bring an abundance of wealth with Pisces, ruled by Jupiter (check the placement of Jupiter in your chart for further knowledge). With the support of auspicious planets in their birth chart, people born in this constellation are also spiritual.
The back legs of a funeral cot is the symbol of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra and it refers to death, dreams and going deep in spiritual consciousness. It also indicates that the people born in this Nakshatra will undergo transformation in the latter part of life. Snake in water as a symbol of this constellation represents awakening and gradual progress on the spiritual path.
Vedic Astrology prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. Do not know your Moon Sign? Find out instantly for FREE by filling the form below!
Dosha represents which type of disease will affect people. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra people are dominated by Pitta. Pitta represents the metabolism in the body and has the characteristic to transform food and water into energy through digestion. People of this Nakshatra should try to avoid hot temperatures and food and consume cool and dry food. They should try to try to incorporate moderation in their diet and activities in general.
Uttara Bhadrapada belongs to Cow Yoni or possesses the nature of a Cow. Yoni or the broad nature is decided by the Moon sign of a person, with this yoni, a person becomes caring, nourishing and loyal in relationships. The sexual nature and temperament can be understood through a person’s yoni.
In Indian philosophy, there are three Gunas, known as -Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. These are known as the three processes that build a successful life. Uttara Bhadrapada belongs to Tamasic instinct. This instinct can lead to ignorance of higher knowledge but brings stability,
There are three Gana or basic instinct type that a person belongs to which frame out outlook, reactions and attitude towards life. These are Dev Gana, Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana.
Uttara Bhadrapada belongs to the Manushya Gana. They are characterized by neither being diplomatic as Dev Gana, nor being perceptive as Rakshasa Gana. They are of moderate behavior such as driven by impulses, energetic, work-oriented and with normal human biases and tendencies. They take things on face-value.
The Graha Devta or Ruling Planet for the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Saturn which blesses the Nakshatra with immense patience and endurance. They have a lot of maturity, are slow, thoughtful, and controlled in performing their tasks. They have good oratory skills and are intelligent and responsible. Saturn also makes them a strict believer of their principles and gives a sense of duty and commitment.
The Adhi Devta of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Ahir Bhudhanya, who is the Serpent of the Sea and part of Lord Shiva’s army. He has control over the cosmic energy and channelizes the energy which resides in the Kundalini of every being. People born in this Nakshatra have a warrior like nature and the spiritual power which guides their own life and heals others as well.
Gender of any Nakshatra is used in Vedic Astrology for matchmaking but if we deeply analyze this, we come to know a rather fascinating fact that the gender signifies, our mental inclination towards material things and how we manipulate life’s challenges for our survival. The gender of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is male and people of this Nakshatra are courageous and balanced. However, if Moon in this Nakshatra is afflicted, they can be short tempered, highly passionate and aggressive.
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is governed by the Ether element. Ether represents divine silence, where all creation happens. Ether element gives the ability to have new ideas and inceptions. People of this Nakshatra are expansive, imaginative and creative. However, at times they could be passive and elusive.
The first letter of the name also produces a vibration, which is connected with the individual, as per the Vedas. It is advisable to choose a name with the letter that creates harmony between the human and the Universe, so that the person gets every happiness and success, promised in their birth chart.
Depending upon characteristics of each constellation (nakshatra), find out the best match for Uttara Bhadrapada and their compatibility with each constellation.
That one person you thought wasn’t worth a try, that is Uttara Bhadrapada for you. Ashvini thinks they can just be a colleague or an acquaintance until you see further. Uttara Bhadrapada can be the most unconditional lovers for Ashvini, specifically because Ashvini think they’re not desirable, when in fact, all they have for you inside them is love which they wish to show you without any motives. Also, the steaminess in the bedroom which you didn’t think was possible with Uttara Bhadrapada because you didn’t pause to explore. Give it a try.
Total matching points (guna) between you both is 24/36 which is 66%.
Uttara Bhadrapada is the worst relationship a Bharani can ever have. This is because the warmth they show other feels deliberately withhold from you, also there is no response to your sensual beckoning. This may make Bharani feel offended. You both do not know how to deal with each other.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 16/36, which is 42%.
Uttara Bhadrapada will give you mixed signals and Krittika takes things on face-value. Do not let this confuse you, pursue them as that is what they want, especially if they are pulling away. as long as it’s not creepy, your efforts will reap a future relationship with them.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 19/36, which is 50%.
Uttara Bhadrapada seems social but not sensuous publicly, nor do they express themselves romantically in public which makes everyone think this person is devoid of it, but Rohini knows different. Rohini can explore sensuality with Uttara Bhadra but want more fulfilment.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 26/36, which is 72%.
Mrigashira is explorative while Uttara Bhadrapada can rather live under a rock if society permits. It’s not to say that they’re both incompatible at all. They’re both accommodating, especially Uttara Bhadrapada who’s okay with adventure and fun. Mrigashira needs to learn that from now on plans of fun should be made on two-ticket, not one. Mrigashira might feel restricted by Uttara Bhadrapada, but they can’t and shouldn’t be risky all the time, it’s for their best.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 17/36, which is an 47%.
Ardra behaves in a dissatisfied manner in life and are spiritually complex. Uttara Bhadrapada’s calmness can help them come to terms with their restlessness and deal with it the right way. The love is healthy and strong, and Uttara Bhadrapada conveys to Ardra that sexual fidelity is important to them and Ardra honors that wish.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 26/36, which is 72%.
Uttara Bhadrapada admires Punarvasu’s bright and beautiful mind. Punarvasu don’t commit easily to anyone no matter what, but with Uttara Bhadrapada, they commit to a huge extent though not completely. Yet, Uttara Bhadrapada has no issues as they trust Punarvasu and vice-versa.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 24/36, which is 70%.
A relationship can ‘work’ somehow without participation, but it doesn’t thrive unless you spend quality time together. There is only so much one can do without it. Take time out with each other since the love between you both is serious, or you’ll drift apart with an aching heart.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 18/36, which is a 50%.
Ashlesha loves the spice and excitement of love and the chasing game. Uttara Bhadrapada cannot give you that. We as well, believe that its more of a definition of infatuation or toxic love. You can always try their way and see if that works. They are caring, kind, warm and compassionate-things that don’t hurt anyone!
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 18/36, which is a 50%.
Uttara Bhadrapada is a person with a strong sense of responsibility and not frivolous about sex like Magha. Magha cannot live without it and Uttara Bhadrapada can live under controlled senses. Magha needs to try hard to access the sensuous part of Uttara Bhadrapada if they want to have a relationship where they feel fulfilled.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 17/36, which is a 50%.
Both Uttara Bhadrapada and Purva Phalguni want the same things. But sometimes wanting the same things and having the same views aren’t the requisite for a good relationship. This is again a relationship where Purva Phalguni has to walk on eggshells because they cannot be themselves and Uttara Bhadrapada has a certain expectation out of their partner. Learn to deal with the differences.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 19/36, which is a 44%.
Uttara Bhadrapada is the best sexual partner for Uttara Phalguni, yet the most spiritually complex partnership they can have. They can both hurt each other even though it means hurting themselves in the process. This creates a toxicity between you both.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 26/36, which is a 72%.
Not just Hasta, but many signs misjudge Uttara Bhadrapada to be distrustful. We don’t know, maybe it’s their appearance or something. Really, Hasta should get over their insecurities and look deeper because assumptions can be far from the truth. They won’t find a more steady, warm and loyal love than Uttara Bhadrapada’s.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 27/36, which is a 72%.
Chitra’s worst relationship with Uttara Bhadrapada. God forbid if they ever get together only to be eternally unhappy. Uttara Bhadrapada can be slow and lazy in sex being represented by the buffalo yoni and Chitra hates how Uttara Bhadrapada makes matters worse by criticizing them. This relationship clearly has a lot of negativity.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 6/36, which is a 17%.
Swati becomes spoilt and selfish in their relationship with Uttara Bhadrapada. Swati do not appreciate the love and loyalty which Uttara Bhadrapada offers. They take Uttara Bhadrapada’s consistency and loyalty for granted and the day Uttara Bhadrapada leaves, the real loser in this situation will be revealed, as there’s hardly anyone else capable of as much perseverance and patience to handle a Swati single-handedly.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 19/36, which is a 53%.
Uttara Bhadrapada has learnt how to control its senses. Sexually, Vishakha wants passion and ferocity which Uttara Bhadrapada is unable to provide. This makes Uttara Bhadrapada their worst sexual match.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 14/36, which is a 41%.
Anuradha and Uttara Bhadrapada both hide their vulnerabilities behind their practicality, Saturn their ruling planet gives them the strength to go through life with patience and endurance. But the ache to open up and feel understood, especially, when you know the person in front is capable of it, will not let you rest, more so, leave you intrigued. Open up and talk. A lack here for this very reason can make Uttara Bhadrapada rather move away from Anuradha which seems an easier option than to be in a situation where two people just won’t let their vulnerabilities out.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 18/36, which is a 50%.
Jyestha is destined to feel emotional depths and therefore, enough angst. Not many can relate to it, but Uttara Bhadrapada does. The one thing Jyestha hates the most is mercy. They feel best as themselves going through whatever they do by themselves. Uttara Bhadrapada knows this and lets them unravel their journey, which Jyestha respects. Uttara Bhadrapada isn’t sensual, per se, which may be an issue for Jyestha, but Uttar Bhadrapada loves Jyestha for who they are and that matters.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 20/36, which is a 55%.
Spiritually, Uttara Bhadrapada might think Mula is complex, when what they are is confused and clueless. Mula can completely deject Uttara Bhadrapada on the basis of their own chaotic attitude in life while they know that Uttara Bhadrapada are good for them. This is a relationship between a sorted Uttara Bhadrapada and a clueless Mula.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 25/36, which is a 65%.
Uttara Bhadrapada is good match for Purva Ashada. They will not only love Purva Ashada and admire them, but also, guide them when required. Uttara Bhadrapada do not change for Purva Ashada, instead they are a constant in Purva Ashada’s life, a pillar of strength for them. Uttara Bhadrapada loves Purva Ashada more than Purva Ashada Loves Uttara Bhadra, but they do not complain.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 21/36, which is a 61%.
Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Ashada are examples of a healthy relationship where one depends upon the other for understanding, love and motivation and not the outside world. You are grateful for each other’s presence which tell you what a healthy relationship looks like and what peace feels like. You are good for each-other and those around you.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 31/36, which is a 81%
Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Saturn, the difficult teacher. Shravana is soft and vulnerable ruled by the Moon. What seems difficult at the initial phase which Uttara Bhadrapada’s disciplinarian attitude, can become a huge support system for Shravana soon after you come out of your mind. Here, Shravana can find real happiness, loyalty and commitment. They bring peace to your life and in this chaotic world of chaotic relationships, who doesn’t want that!
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 30/36, which is a 80%
Uttara Bhadrapada, doesn’t care about Dhanishta’s existence and there is nothing a Dhanishtha can do about it. These self-assured people don’t care about anyone trying to show dominance or control in any way, shape or form and therefore, it doesn’t work. Uttara Bhadrapada is happy in their own world unless you add any real value to their life, which is something Dhanishta doesn’t understand. Therefore, this is their worst relationship.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 6/36, which is a 17%
Uttara Bhadrapada is like their animal symbol-a cow, which is calm, mostly. They are calm and loving, protective and philosophical and will let their partners just be. This makes their love seem comforting to Shatabhisha. Shatabhisha seems happy in this warmth of Uttara Bhadrapada. If Shatabhisha ever feels bored because of Uttara Bhadrapada’s simplistic disposition, they can remind themselves of how chaotic they were before they met them and the calmness and definition of healthy love that Uttara Bhadrapada brought into their life.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 25/36, which is a 66%
In a relationship between two Bhadrapada, the Uttara Bhadrapada is the sensible one. Uttara Bhadrapada are Saturnian and level-headed, which Purva Bhadrapada is not, but Uttara Bhadrapada doesn’t complain, so why should you? This relationship works well in comfort and lack of chaos unlike most of Purva Bhadrapada’s relationships. Keep what you have and don’t treat it casually.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 27/36, which is a 76%
Same Moon sign compatibility works wonderfully when their behavior and thoughts are rooted in maturity, and they are genuine people, in general. Here, two Uttara Bhadrapada are responsible and dutiful in their lives and create a safe space for love and tranquility. they both bring positivity in this relationship considering they’re both positive people. Try to get away from the noise of the world as the world easily manipulates two people with great compatibility and spend more on understanding and loving each other, giving those who’ve never experienced such as powerful compatibility something to talk about.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 28/36, which is a 77%
Revati loves Uttara Bhadrapada unconditionally. They understand the spiritual needs and desires of Uttara Bhadrapada and introduce them to spiritual, pure love. Uttara Bhadrapada feels confident in letting their emotions out and considers this commitment sacred. In midst of difficulties, Uttara Bhadrapada is a dependable one for Revati.
Total matching points (guna), between you both is a 32/36, which is a 91%
Translation | The latter lucky feet |
Symbol | Twins, Back legs of funeral cot, Snake in the water |
Animal Symbol | Cow |
Presiding Deity | Ahir Bhudhanya, the serpent connected to Kundalini |
Controlling/Ruling Planet | Saturn |
Ruling Deity of the Planet | Hanuman |
The 4 Quarters of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra | |
1st quarter | Ruled by Sun |
2nd quarter | Ruled by Mercury |
3rd quarter | Ruled by Venus |
4th quarter | Ruled by Mars |
Nature | Manushya (human) |
Mode | Balanced |
Number | 26 |
Gender | Male |
Dosha | Pitta |
Guna | Tamasic |
Element | Ether |
Disposition | Fixed |
Bird | Kotan |
Common Name of the Tree | Bakul |
Botanical Name of the Tree | Borsalli |
Seed Sounds | Du, Tha, Jha, Jna |
A Nakshatra (Constellation) based reading is more elaborate & precise than a reading that is based on the 12 Zodiac signs alone. In Vedic Astrology, Nakshatra is a great differentiator for people born under the same Moon sign, Ascendant or planetary position; & also a boon for interpreting the horoscope of identical twins & events that happen in quick succession. more
(Moon Sign Based)
Uttara Phalguni belongs to Leo as well as Virgo zodiac signs. Within the range of Leo, its abilities of being creative maximize, while in the Virgo range, its abilities for logic, understanding and calculation including Mercurial qualities shine through.
Read More(Moon Sign Based)
Hasta is from the Virgo constellation & exalts in the sign of Mercury. It is co-ruled by Sun as well as the Moon. It represents the best of both worlds & the ability to manifest and beautify things through the hands. It is also the nakshatra which fought Yama for love & marriage.
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