Nakshatra Reading

Nakshatra Reading


A Nakshatra or a Constellation is a part of the Zodiac covering 13 degrees and 20 minutes compared to the even 30 degrees that a Zodiac sign takes up. The original Vedic Astrology reading system was totally Nakshatra based and the changes come in with influences from Greece & the middle East over the centuries.

Vedic Astrology gives a lot of emphasis on the Nakshatra where Moon is situated, although the Nakshatra placements of all 9 planets is very important. The Nakshatra system works on the system of ownership by one planet & the 4 step break of 3 degree & 20 minuteas each of 4 sub-lords of a Nakshatra. Due to this the effects are extremely precise and sometimes give an amazing insight to the real effects & predictions of a planet.

Each planet in your horoscope therefore shapes your personality, instincts and attitude, as well as the connections and relationships you make in life.

For instance, the Nakshatra is a great tool to find out the spouse/partner, business partners, friends as well as foes that you will have in life. It is but a fact that we form friendships and connections with usually the same class of Nakshatras. Likewise there are certain Nakshatras and name letters with whom you will feel very challenged and difficult to exist with.

The Nakshatra position is also a boon when interpreting the horoscope of identical twins & events that happen in quick succession as it is a great differentiator for people born under the same Moon sign, Ascendant (lagna) and planetary position.

How does a Nakshatra Reading work?

  • Each planet, Moon Sign & your Ascendant is placed in a Nakshatra which has unique and, many times, different and defining roles compared to what the zodiac placement of the planets appears to be.
  • A Nakshatra span is 13.20 degrees, compared to 30 degrees in a Zodiac sign, and the influencing planets are two (main lord & sub-lord) compared to a single planet portfolio under the Zodiac reading.
  • The precision and effects of a planet are connected by its ownership, relationships as well as sub & main lordship of a Nakshatra. This leads to answers that sometimes elude astrologers when they analyse birthcharts based simply on Zodiac signs.

How do the 27 Nakshatras shape a person’s life?

The spread of Zodiac which is divided into these 27 Nakshatras is as follows. The planets that exercise control by lordship are as below. You read about various Nakshtras by clicking on the name to read more:


Ashwini   Nakshatra

Ketu & Mars

Bharani   Nakshatra 

Venus & Mars

Krittika   Nakshatra

Mars & Sun

Rohini   Nakshatra

Moon & Venus

Mrigashira   Nakshatra

Venus, Mercury & Mars

Ardra   Nakshatra

Mercury & Rahu

Punarvasu   Nakshatra

Jupiter, Mercury & Moon

Pushya   Nakshatra

Saturn & Moon

Ashlesha   Nakshatra

Mercury & Moon

Magha   Nakshatra

Sun & Ketu

Purva   Phalguni   Nakshatra

Sun & Venus

Uttara   Phalguni   Nakshatra

Sun & Mercury

Hasta   Nakshatra

Mercury & Moon

Chitra   Nakshatra

Mars, Venus & Mercury

Swati   Nakshatra

Rahu & Venus

Vishakha   Nakshatra

Jupiter & Mars

Anuradha   Nakshatra

Mars & Saturn

Jyeshtha   Nakshatra

Mars & Mercury

Mula    Nakshatra

Jupiter & Ketu

Purva Ashada   Nakshatra

Jupiter & Venus

Uttara   Ashada   Nakshatra

Sun & Saturn

Shravana   Nakshatra

Saturn & Moon

Dhanishta   Nakshatra

Saturn & Moon

Shatabhisha   Nakshatra

Saturn & Rahu

Purva   Bhadrapada   Nakshatra

Saturn & Jupiter

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Saturn & Jupiter

Revati Nakshatra

Jupiter & Mercury


Benefits of Nakshatra Reading

The Nakshatra Astrology report is a unique effort to explain those facets of your personality and fortune that got glossed over during a normal Zodiac sign reading. This report focuses on:

  • Nakshatra positions of your Moon Sign, Ascendant & all 9 planets, with detailed effects & influence their positions have on you.
  • The main Nakshatra placement, i.e. of your Moon, & results thereof.
  • Sounds or letters that are lucky for you according to your nakshatra.
  • Friendships & relationships you will have in life - spouse/partner, friends, buisness partner.
  • Your lucky periods of life.
  • Certain Nakshatras & name letters with whom you will feel very challenged & difficult to exist with.
  • Suggestions & remedies specific to your Nakshatra

We hope you will discover a new ‘you’ under the Nakshatra Prism!

Helpful Tips:

  • Nakshatra reading will help you connect the dots between various planets and give you clear answers.
  • Nakshatra reading will be for all 9 planets and your ascendant and therefore you can unravel the effects of Vimsottari Dasa more clearly.
  • Relationships can be understood better - spouse/partner, friends, business partner.
  • Sounds or letters that are lucky for you.
  • Important periods of life that are marked based on guidance that is more than 1500 years old.

Report Size:

12 Pages


