Best Compatibility Match for Scorpio Woman

(Moon Sign Based)

A Scorpio woman is incredibly mysterious. Her magnetic personality can make anyone swoon off their feet. When she falls in love, she is extremely possessive, loyal & dedicated to her partner & expects her partner to be faithful & loyal to her.

Best Compatibility Match for Scorpio Woman


The Scorpio woman is a highly mysterious and refreshing personality, filled with magnetic and fascinating qualities that can cast a spell on anyone who meets her. Also, she can be seductive and daunting at the same time.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.


Blessed with a sharp memory, she seldom forgets and forgives anyone who has done her wrong. Dishonesty and lies do not stand a chance in her world. At the same time, she never forgets a good deed or help that she was offered. She remains grateful and appreciates the smallest good gesture till the end of her time and tries to repay the favor in order to show her gratitude.

She has a heart of gold and is kind to almost everyone, unless you really get on her nerve.

When she falls in love, she will prioritize her love and relationship over and above everything else in the world. She is ready to sacrifice everything that is important to her for her partner, including her career.

In case the couple faces difficulties or hardship in life, the Scorpio lady emerges as the knight in shining armor and stands strong and courageous, fighting the problem head-on.


Personality Traits of Scorpio Woman

The Scorpio woman loves her independence and would do anything to hold on to it. She is also quite mysterious and keeps her dreams, ambitions, goals, and feelings hidden from the world.

Even though she does not believe in sharing her life with others, she will have a keen interest in your personal life and its secrets. Being a part of the Fire element, a Scorpio woman will not appreciate domination but will remain extremely commanding and controlling with regard to others.

The Scorpio woman is highly introspective and will give a deep, long thought about anything before making some serious decisions in life. She remains extremely focused on her life and is determined to achieve the set target. It is almost impossible for anyone to divert from the path she sets out in order to achieve the desired output.

At the same time, if she meets with failure, it doesn’t dishearten her. She braves this well and tries even harder the next time. She does not believe in sulking about failure but in preparing better for the future.

Her power of intuition and perception is vey strong. She just naturally knows the right method or direction to work and to move at the right time; she cannot be fooled by anyone. She is also quite clairvoyant.

When a Scorpio woman falls in love, she remains extremely possessive, loyal and dedicated to her partner. She is extremely protective of her beau and is a faithful and trustworthy partner. She would not mind sacrificing her personal space, career and independence for the one she loves in the blink of an eye, even when she values independence and career highly.

Once truly committed, she shares a strong and stable relationship with her partner even though they may face many fluctuations and ups and downs in life together. She expects her partner to remain as faithful and loyal to her as she is to him.

To learn more about a Scorpio woman’s personality, CLICK HERE

In this piece, we will take you through 4 compatible love matches for a Scorpio woman based on her personality traits’ analysis to enjoy a happy relationship/married life.

Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man

Since both the zodiac signs belong to the water element, they share many common factors that make them an excellent match. A Pisces man is known to be an extremely loyal and carefree soul and remains the same when he falls in love with a Scorpio woman.

Common traits between a Scorpio woman and Pisces man:

  • Extremely sensitive in nature.
  • Highly selfless.
  • Loyal and faithful to the partner.
  • Exceptionally mysterious.
  • Highly emotional.
  • Exceedingly charming.
  • Share an intense bond.
  • Highly possessive about one another.

The Scorpio woman and Pisces man share a highly intimate, hot, passionate and romantic bond that is built on the basis of loyalty and fidelity. If they can keep a check on their style of communication, they make the best match in the world.

Scorpio Woman and Cancer Man

Since both are water element, they share many traits which makes their level of mutual understanding just another level. The Cancer man is so full of love that he cannot help but shower his partner with high doses of love.

As a lover, he adores his Scorpio woman and remains totally and completely loyal and faithful to her.

Common traits between a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man:

  • High level of intensity.
  • They are very direct about their interests to each other.
  • They crave for appreciation.
  • Highly loyal partners.
  • Support each other’s needs.
  • Love exploring new methods of physical bonding.
  • Exceedingly emotional and sensitive.

Scorpio woman and Cancer man truly complement each other in every way and, hence, make a good couple. The bond will be even better if the are mindful about the way they communicate to each other.

Scorpio Woman and Sagittarius Man

This combination of fire and water is always a hot and sticky affair. Sagittarius and Scorpio share a compatibility more on the mental level than the physical one.

When a Sagittarius man falls head over heels in love with a Scorpio woman, he is ready to adapt according to her ways of life and extends his full support and love to keep things right.

He is an ocean of love and showers it on his girl all the time. In return, all he needs is to be understood by his Scorpio partner.

Common traits between Scorpio woman and Sagittarius man:

  • Extremely passionate.
  • Highly temperamental.
  • Exceedingly friendly.
  • Completely independent.
  • Highly intelligent.

For a Sagittarius man, his Scorpio lady is one challenge that he wants to face every day with open arms. As they are poles apart vis-a-vis personality, hence, if both put in a little effort to make this work, it will be the best compatible match ever.

Scorpio Woman and Aries Man

The enthusiastic and highly energetic Ram loves to lead his life on his own terms. His passion and vigor drive him through his adventurous journeys. In a relationship with a Scorpio woman, if the Ram is smitten with her, he will do everything in his power to keep her happy.

He will remain extremely faithful, loyal and dedicated to her and her needs.

Common traits between a Scorpio woman and an Aries man:

  • Highly energetic.
  • Extremely dominating.
  • Straight-forward attitude.
  • Excessively impatient.
  • Extremely faithful.
  • Dangerously or highly possessive.

Learning the art of balancing fire and water is a challenge but not impossible. If a Scorpio woman and an Aries man give each other a chance to understand and be understood, then their compatibility will be an example to other couples with opposite elements.

Apart from the above-mentioned matches, there are other signs who also share good compatibility with Scorpio woman. They are:

Scorpio woman is a curious mix of passion and spirit, which is difficult for others to figure out. She remains a mystery for everyone around her. If anyone wants to know the real her, they will have to make an effort to pull away from her tough exterior and take a peep into her emotional and sensitive side.

If a Scorpio woman falls in love with someone, she will remain loyal to him and his needs and will also look past the mistakes and flaws of her partner and take a leap of faith towards the relationship.

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