There are times when you feel why my life is so difficult when I am doing everything right. This is what Saturn planet is meant to do for you. It is about discipline, difficulties, delay, duties, dealings, and denials at times.
It wants you to work hard, put in your best efforts, learn from your mistakes so when you get a taste of success, it still keeps you humble and grounded, despite having a wealth of knowledge. Saturn is thus a strict teacher, who is austere but only for the benefit of the student.
Saturn in astrology is about being disciplined, managing your time, meeting deadlines all while keeping the restrictions in mind. Saturn can however not be termed as a negative planet for its positive influence makes riches from rags.
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But what it asks you to do is stand brave in the toughest tests of time. Saturn in Vedic astrology also relates itself to the elderly, the grace of old age, traditions, conventional approaches, and authority. It rewards you for your perseverance and punishes you for short cuts and impatience.
Saturn is the second biggest planet of the celestial sphere after Sun. This ringed planet is 1.35 billion km. from Sun (closest distance). It is a slow-moving planet and takes around 29.5 years to complete one revolution around Sun and around 10 hours 40 min. to rotate around its axis once.
Like Earth has Moon as its satellite, Saturn has 62 satellites of its own. It also appears retrograde every year for a period of around 135 days.
Saturn takes around 30 years to revolve around the zodiacal circle and stays in each sign for about 2.5 years.
Transit in each sign | 2.5 years |
Direction | West |
Metal | Iron |
Gem | Blue Sapphire |
Day | Saturday |
Color | Blue |
Temperament | Strict, Sorrowful |
Gender | Male |
Ruling Body Part | Legs, nervous system, chronic diseases |
Status in Imperial Stars | Advisor |
Friends | Mercury, Venus |
Enemies | Sun, Moon, Mars |
Neutral | Jupiter |
Own Sign | Capricorn, Aquarius |
Exalted in | Libra |
Debilitated in | Aries |
Mool Trikon | Aquarius |
Mahadasha Period | 19 Years |
Relation | Servants and Elderly People |
Professions | Mining, labor, oil, petroleum, agriculture, freezing, coal, leather goods, butchery, lead, blue sapphire. |
Saturn 2.5 & 7.5 years of Saturn. Saturn in its Sade Sati ( 7.5 years) & Ashtam / ardhAshtam ( 2.5 years ) phase gives us a tough time. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Pisces need cautious and support. Get your Saturn reading to understand the impact on your career, relationships, finances, Family health etc. and important dates & phases with unique Vedic remedies to find happiness despite adversity. more
Saturn imposes limitations and sufferings, as consequences of our past life karmas, and through these, it helps us recognize our mistakes and weaknesses, adapt, and ultimately take responsibility.
In Vedic astrology, where Saturn has posited in the horoscope defines the area the person may have to struggle in life. Nevertheless, its strength in the horoscope defines whether the person will be strong enough to tackle the hardships or prone to breakdowns.
People with a strong Saturn in the horoscope are generally hard-working, capable of working relentlessly to pursue their goals. Moreover, such people tend to be loyal with a higher sense of duty. They have a disciplined approach in life, are a little serious and strict in nature.
Saturn’s affliction in a horoscope projects one’s inability to face challenges in life. Escapist tendencies of such individuals further aggravate problems as Saturn wants you to work hard.
Weak Saturn in the horoscope may lead to mental distress, aloofness in character, addictions, and even chronic illnesses in some cases. If you surrender and fall prey to short cuts to evade sufferings, difficulties may intensify.
The best way is to follow a disciplined approach in life and work hard which would gradually lead to purification and the search for the true self in life. People with afflicted Saturn should understand that Saturn is a slow planet so its effects remain for a long time. Once you get past the period of perseverance and hard work, there will be rewards both in spiritual as well as other sense.