Rahu in Libra

Rahu is the master of manipulation, tact, secrecy and illusion. Libra is a sign that represents balance. Libra is ruled by Venus, which shares an average relationship with Rahu. Both Venus and Rahu are airy planets. Due to placement in friendly sign, Rahu here increases one’s desire for balance. Rahu makes the native skillful in manipulation while still maintaining a balance in life.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.

Rahu in Libra gives the native detachment from elders of the family. Such a person tends to experience problems in life, especially in relationships. Loss of land and property is possible too with this position of Rahu. While Rahu in Libra makes the person tactful, it is not good for love and married life. Such a person tends to be dominating and destructive in love. Lack of trust and loyalty persists in their relationships. Such people suffer from a sense of dissatisfaction in their love life. Moreover, they are also prone to moral depravity.

Sun in Aries

(Moon Sign Based)

Sun in Aries represents the one who projects their inner light, courage, and energy to establish influence but later gets burnt out or exhausted due to over empowerment.

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Sun in Taurus

(Moon Sign Based)

Sun in Taurus represents the one who chases each and every source of beauty and appreciation to establish dignity but lose health and power of self.

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