Sun in Aries

Sun, a fiery masculine planet is exalted when posited in Aries, which is ruled by Mars, another fierce masculine planet. Since Sun shares a friendly relationship with Mars, the position of Sun in Aries is held to bring positive results to the native as per Vedic Astrology principles. Such a person is a leader. He has the ability to show the way and influence the masses. There is a strong sense of duty and honesty in such people. These are some of the most passionate and courageous people who never hesitate from taking a challenge. They are intelligent and sharp minded too. And their physical stature is as strong as their inner character is. Such people have the qualities of a warrior, and do well in areas such as police, military, leadership and Government sector. They can also get acclaim in the field of art. They usually have a strong heritage and live a prosperous life.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.

But with all these positive attributes, this Sun in Aries also makes the person a little aggressive. Such people are too blunt and straightforward at times, which isn’t always appreciated. They can be egoistic and dominating as well. In terms of health, the person with Sun in Aries is prone to blood disorders, especially if malefic influence of planets is there.

Mercury in Aries

(Moon Sign Based)

Mercury gives you intellectual and logical reasoning, which comes through your lineage and DNA programmed in you. Your communication skills will improve through public speaking, controlling the masses, and conveying messages to the public.


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Mercury in Taurus

(Moon Sign Based)

Mercury in Taurus represents communication and intellectual skills and grants excellence in writing, public speaking, journalism, and as a public reporter or salesperson. Mercury creates a quick thinker like an entrepreneur who can manage multiple things at the same time and communicate efficiently. You will be able to grasp everything quickly and will have a photographic memory which will help you to become a successful person.


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