Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a dual fire sign ruled by Jupiter, which shares a friendly relationship with Sun. The person having Sun in Sagittarius is a god fearing and peace-loving soul, endowed with the art of eloquence in speech. Such a native is likely to be a learned individual, an honorable and compassionate person with a lot of wisdom and intelligence. Sun in this position also gives a never-dying hunger for knowledge. These people do well in fields such as law, administration and banking. People with Sun in Sagittarius are trustworthy and justice-loving people. They are honest and straightforward, do not sugarcoat and talk to the point.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.

These natives understand the difference between living and existing. They are freedom-loving individuals with a love for the outdoors. Often times, these natives are fond of a sport or two. These natives earn a lot of wealth in life, and live like a king. Their physique also contributes to the royal radiance that their personality has. They are of a broad stature and a beautiful body. They also tend to be famous among their social sphere. They are of a supportive nature, like to lend a helping hand to their relatives and friends. After marriage, natives with Sun in Sagittarius tend to have sons.

Sun in Aries

(Moon Sign Based)

Sun in Aries represents the one who projects their inner light, courage, and energy to establish influence but later gets burnt out or exhausted due to over empowerment.

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Sun in Taurus

(Moon Sign Based)

Sun in Taurus represents the one who chases each and every source of beauty and appreciation to establish dignity but lose health and power of self.

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