Leo Finance Horoscope

Leo is the fifth sign in the series of the zodiac and is ruled by Sun. If you are born with Leo as your  sign, you are ambitious, self-confident, fearless, and determined. Leo Finances could be well balanced, as you are careful in spending as well as saving.

Leo Finance Horoscope


Leos are the second fire signs and flamboyant by nature. If you are born as a Lo, you are unstable with money and finances (both men and women alike), because you live mostly to impress others with your luxury instead of what really matters. Most of your sense of self comes from this, and therefore it becomes very important for them to have their finances in place.

You should realize that a lot of time this impresses only those who lack it, not those who have it. And in such scenarios, if its worth the effort. In most cases, they strive hard to earn money and make it their purpose in life, while its great to have this perspective, you should learn how to earn and save using the right means. Here are some tips.

  • You have a charismatic personality, are a natural leader, and tend to make excellent entrepreneurs. You are competitive in your professional life and quite competent in earning money. Your creativity along with your enterprising nature ensures you are never short of money; however, you are fond of vanity too.
  • Public image and reputation are important to you, and you like to keep it in high standing with your luxurious possessions and ways of life. You have a strong taste for luxury and like to have a lavish lifestyle. At times, your love for high-end brands and upscale living can make a dent in your pocket.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Leo: Are You a Spender or Saver?

  • Your extravagant and king-like lifestyle eats into your savings and puts a strain on your budget.
  • You like to spend to impress others more than yourself and end up in debt, if not controlled at the right time. You are a risk-taker, which also makes you impulsive while spending. You love to splurge.
  • You love to splurge and show others how much you are capable of splurging and expect to get friends and connections through it. But you should remember that real friends cant be bought, only earned and therefore, this splurging around may leave you in debt and without any real friends, we suggest you think about it.
  • As far as investments are concerned, you are inclined towards making long-term investments and also like to invest in gold and jewelry.

Best Sources For Income

  • Money and speculations aren’t your best strengths and w would suggest that you stick to your professional income and increasing your finances at work. This is a sure-shot way for you ensure your primary source of income.
  • You can work in partnerships as you have a great potential, creativity and stamina to do well. Therefore, look for opportunities within your social circle who could be hatching a business idea or consider working with startups to earn from there.

Savings, Gains & Income

  • Not the best at savings, being fiery, you like to splurge and live in the moment. Try out partnerships in business- and more than one.
  • Dependable connections in business might not come your way easily and it will be a hit or miss, however, thinking it clearly can forge a way if your birth chart supports it.
  • You might consider associations with projects and people to add up to your cash inflow.


Wealth Giving Planets For Leo

  • Mercury is the lord of the second house of wealth and finances in your horoscope which indicates that wealth accumulation would be good. Also being the lord of the eleventh house of gains indicates good sources of income and constant earnings if placed well and strong in your birth chart.
  • Jupiter owns the fifth house of creativity and speculation along with the eighth house. This means that speculations could not be fruitful to you hence should be avoided. However, based on Jupiter’s overall condition in your birth chart, money could be accumulated through inheritances, marriage, or partnership.
  • Venus, the planet of wealth and comforts is the owner of the third and tenth house, which means that earnings would be after many efforts and would require courage and entrepreneurship spirit.
  • Moon being the owner of the twelfth house indicates uncontrolled and unexpected expenditures at times.
  • Mercury, if well placed in the second or eleventh house without any malefic aspects indicate good gains and wealth through business ventures in its Dasha/Antardasha (operating/sub-period of the planet).
  • Placement of Jupiter or Mars in Kendra (angle) or Trikona (trine) houses can be highly beneficial provided they are strongly placed in your birth chart, and you are running their Dasha or Antardasha.

Tips For Better Financial Condition

  • If your work hard and try to splurge less as long as you get to a stable financial standing yourself, you can go a long way in both creating and sustaining the accumulated wealth and makes Leo's financial stature more strong.
  • You need to learn to restrict and accommodate your desires for luxury within your budget. Being well-planned and selective about your purchases can help you to be careful before spending.
  • You should work towards developing a consistent attitude towards money, while you are materialistic and dream of enjoying money, making it through self-efforts will help you enjoy it better.

What to do to avoid losses?

  • Your need to impress others through spending attracts a lot of friends, however, you should be careful not to let this undercut your financial security.
  • You also need to careful that your lavish way of living does not land you in huge debt, hence should learn to differentiate between desires and necessities. We suggest you try to how less in the name of impressing others and live with what you can actually afford, than drowning in debt just to keep your social standing look strong.
  • You need to curb your excessive spending habits and develop the ability to look ahead toward the future, consider consequences and then act.


D2 or Hora Chart : Money & Finance Vedic Astrology Reading

What is your True Wealth Potential & Earning Source? Vedic Astrology, for deeper analysis, divides a horoscope into sub-divisional charts like the Hora Chart or D2 Chart, which is deeply analysed to find your financial potential. more

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