Ketu in Leo

The ruling planet of Leo is Sun, which is a staunch enemy of Ketu. Sun gives aggression and ambition to Leo natives since it’s fire. When Ketu is placed in the fiery sign of Leo, it makes the person impulsive. Due to the confusion and impulse imposed by Ketu, the native often gets angry without any reasons or due to misunderstandings. Ketu in Leo gives a confusing personality to the native. Such people feel a lot of uncertainty before venturing into anything new. Lack of confidence persists. They tend to have a lot of questions and doubts in mind about everything.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.

These natives tend to develop fear of poison and snakes. Ketu in Sun also makes the person prone to stomach related issues. Such natives tend to know many languages. While they are talkative, they do not get involved in society much. They can be quite impatient at times. Their interests lie in artistic pursuits. They are also good artists themselves at times. These people also attain success in politics. They are self-dependent and have strong management and administrative skills.

Sun in Aries

(Moon Sign Based)

Sun in Aries represents the one who projects their inner light, courage, and energy to establish influence but later gets burnt out or exhausted due to over empowerment.

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Sun in Taurus

(Moon Sign Based)

Sun in Taurus represents the one who chases each and every source of beauty and appreciation to establish dignity but lose health and power of self.

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