Venus Transits Virgo, 25 Aug till 18 Sep 2024

(Moon Sign Based)

This transit will ensure that reconsideration, observation & reinventions are the focus in your love life. It will make you practical & realistic in your relationships. It is a beneficial time for family & love relationships.

Venus Transits Virgo, 25 Aug till 18 Sep 2024

The transit of Venus in Virgo will be a beneficial time for all individuals in familial and love/personal relationships where reconsideration, observation and reinventions will be the focus in your love life and daily routine schedule.

This year the presence of Ketu in Virgo will work on your intellect and the transit of Venus will force you to have some common discussion in terms of love and relationship with partner/spouse and resolve conflicts with family with a down to earth approach. Be prepared for open-ended discussions, but Ketu can cause challenges by triggering lack of intimacy and support in your relationships.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:


Venus' transit in Virgo is the blend of basic instincts of emotions, relationships with your loved ones, that can be your family, romantic partner/spouse whereas the other part of this basic instinct is that relates to your earnings from your profession and trade to fulfill your needs.

Venus is the planet of love/luxury and Virgo sign refers to the energy that has decisive nature with perfectionist attitude so it restricts your limits in every aspect of life and it will initiate you to be practical and realistic in your relationships.

The auspicious placement of Venus in any individual horoscope is likely to experience all the pleasures/luxuries in life without many efforts. On the other hand, afflicted Venus in any individual horoscope is likely to face obstacles in and setbacks in your pleasures/luxuries in life.

This year, Venus with Ketu indicates that you will find it difficult to express your feelings towards family and friends; and there are chances of financial challenges due to ignorance. These two planets have completely different energy, so you can find yourself in a stagnant situation when it comes to executing tasks or deciding what you wish to do. This is a period to avoid being biased while making decisions.

How will this Transit affect You?


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that you will have to face challenges on the work front where your rivals will pose problems in your endeavors that will demand your patience, personal front will be less progressive where personal issues will make this period conflicting with each other.

Your professional front will be less progressive where you have to be alert about your professional rivals’ activities as they are likely to pose competition in the work and any negligence on your part will not be fruitful for your professional progress. Professionals on the business front will have to be careful in your professional decisions as any decision without your partner’s knowledge and consent will not be favorable for your professional progress.

Your personal life will have conflicts with your partner where the feelings of discontent will prevail in your personal relationships as the mutual understanding with your partner will be very less. It will be better to talk to your partner over the conflicting matter where you must try to resolve the existing issue with mutual understanding with your partner/spouse in your personal relationships.

Avoid taking any major personal and professional decisions as they will create stress and will not be fruitful for your growth.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that your professional ventures will be prosperous where your efforts will yield good gains from your earnings, personal front will be cordial with warmth and understanding in your relationships. Enhanced intellectual understanding will be visible.

Your professional life will be excellent because your ventures will bring in a lot of money and your coworkers will support you. Natives who are employed will stand a chance of making a profit from projects, and your efforts will be acknowledged by superiors. You'll be able to boost your financial quotient and save money for future prospects with increased earnings from various business endeavors.

Your personal front will have its own potential that will be prosperous with general understanding with your companion that will improve your personal relations. Individuals who want to extend their family are probably going to be honored with the extension of their family because of the good placement of Venus.

Natives who are single/in a relationship will have the opportunity, with the consent of their families, to take their current relationship to the next level of commitment.

Keep your attitude progressive and stay calm throughout the transit period.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that you will have favorable professional results with your efforts that will be acknowledged by you and your superiors on the work front with good understanding, personal relationships will be prosperous with peace and harmony.

Your professional life will be blessed with good gains with monetary profits on the work front whereas your job front will be progressive due to increase in earnings that will be acknowledged by your superiors and your mutual trust and understanding with your colleagues and superiors will be strong and visible during this transit. Venus transit in Virgo will bring opportunities to get gains from acquiring/buying new property.

Your personal life will be progressive where you will have peace and prosperity in your personal relationships. You will have the opportunity to spend quality time with each other where you will rectify your existing conflicts with mutual understanding and open communication that will resolve all your issues in your personal relationships.

Be clear in your perspectives with others on the personal and professional front for your progress during this transit.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that there will be progressive trends on your professional front with cooperation from colleagues and gains from the work front, personal relationships will be full of love and affection with mutual understanding in personal/familial relationships.

Your professional ventures will be profitable with increase in income from different sources with your efforts. You will make daring steps in your ventures with hard work and efforts that will make your rivals move back anxiously as they will not be able to fight your professional confidence. If you are a working professional, you will be blessed with increase in salary and promotion based on your working skills that will initiate you in completing your tasks on the scheduled time.

Your personal life will prosper with good understanding in your relationships with your family, especially with your siblings. You will be busy with your social activities, going out with friends /family and creating strong bond on the personal front. Try to win others’ confidence and trust by your diplomatic behavior for new but friendly relationships.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating professional progress with enhancement in your financial status where your hard work will bring profits from ventures and appreciation from superiors on the job front will be given, personal relationships will have the contentment in personal relationships with their support and trust over you.

Your professional life will be progressive with gains from your ventures with your hard work and intelligent efforts that will not only enhance your financial status, but you will win the trust of your associate working on the business front.
Your job front will be progressive where you will win the appreciation of your colleagues and seniors, where your efforts will be noticed, and your work techniques will be respected by others.

Your personal life will have contentment and happiness in your personal relationships where your family relations especially your siblings and partner/spouse will bless you with their support and affection that will enhance your personal satisfaction in relationships. Progeny prospect will be successful and single/married natives will have the opportunity of good understanding and stability in relationships with their partner. Overall, a good transitory period but avoid any kind of egoistic behavior in your personal/professional relationships.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that you will have favorable professional prospects that will enhance your financial status to expand your existing professional ventures, personal relationships will be cordial with your family and partner, modification in your self will bring self-improvement during this transit.

Your professional front will be fruitful where your hard work and efforts will be appreciated by your superiors on the work front that may award you with good reputation and increment in salary. Independent entrepreneurs will have the benefit of getting professional and monetary gains from their ventures and you will look forward to working progressively for expanding your existing business ventures. Avoid being perfectionist in your work as expecting too much from yourself may make you stressed in your physic.

Your personal relationship with your spouse will be cordial, and you will have a good understanding of each other. Single natives' romantic relationships will have the opportunity to progress to the point of permanent marriage or to receive favorable marriage proposals.

Make some progressive modification in your routine life that will bring overall progress in your personal/professional front. You will have increased inclination towards spirituality during this transit.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating professional progress due to hard work and working efficiency but vigilance over your professional investment is necessary, personal relationships will have the aura of physical bonding rather than emotional bonding but be cautious to be considerate towards your partner’s feelings.

Your professional front will give positive results with moderate monetary gains, but professional progress will be good. Short /long travels will be beneficial for your career progress and opportunities for long travels will give you the base for future prospects that will bring fruitful results but take care of your expenses during this transit. Your working skills will inspire your colleagues to follow your working method for progress.

Your personal approach to love and romance will be more focused on your physical needs rather than your emotional connectivity. Your sexual orientation with your partner will be passionate and there will be a need to maintain decorum in your physical intimacy with your partner where you will have to take care of the requirements of your partner requirement for maintaining decorum in sexual desires where you may ignore the need of privacy of your partner. Do not expect much in your love relations and respect the needs and wishes of your partner.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that you will have progressive personal and professional front where you will make efforts to establish good relationships with everyone for your overall progress in your earnings and relationships.

Your professional prospects will be favorable, and your efforts will result in significant financial gains. The ability to see the gains in your endeavors with your insight will bring positive effect on your monetary status and that will give improvement in the advancement in professional status during this transit.

Your personal life will require your attention for the positive progress in your relationships where your marital relationships will prosper, and single natives will make efforts to make their love life progress and will try to take it ahead for marriage prospects. Your personal front will have warmth in its relationships where you will have the opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones, but you are advised to stay balanced in your personal relationships.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating professional problems and face tough challenges from your professional rivals, personal front will be progressive with your vigilance, caution over your health prospects is essential.

Your professional prospects will be challenging during this transit as problems from all sources will crop up and your ventures will not give gains according to your expectations. Your rivals will pose tough challenges for you in your professional ventures that may affect your health, so it will be beneficial for you to work hard with trust in your abilities and you will be able to win over them.

Your personal relationships will see betterment in your personal/familial relationships where your loved ones will appreciate your consideration of their opinion over the matter of concern. You will win their trust and affection with your initiative, and you will be respected by all on the home front for your understanding in personal matters.

Take care of your health by making modifications in your daily routine eating habits and add the practice of yoga and meditation for mental and physical health.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating progressive personal, professional, and financial life where you will get gains from your profession that will enhance your financial status, personal relationships will be cordial and understanding due to your efforts.

Your career will be progressive where your work front will appreciate your working skills and dedication and will award you with good reputation. Independent entrepreneurs will work hard and will yield fruitful results from their ventures. Working professionals will get promotion or increment salary as per their expectations on the professional front. Your financial quotient will be stable during this transit will be stable but caution over your expenditure is essential.

Your personal relationships will be cordial with your family, partner/spouse and you will be inclined towards spiritual endeavors where you may plan a vacation with your family on a pilgrimage, but you will get the opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that professional prospects will be fruitful with enhancement in your finances, but this progress will be due to your hard work, personal relations will be cordial with mutual understanding but avoid being over demanding in personal relationships.

Your professional front will be good where you will good profits from your professional ventures due to your hard work and efforts that will not only impress your seniors or associates on the work front but will bring good reputation for your efforts in your professional endeavors. Your financial status will be progressive, and you will be able to make excess money for your saving, so it is essential to invest money in safe mediums.

Your family and personal relationships will be blessed with peace and harmony with good mutual understanding so it is essential to avoid any kind of dominating behavior which may bring clashes in your personal relations.


Venus will transit in Virgo indicating that there will be fewer progressive results on the professional front with doubts that will demand clarity on the work front, personal relationships will pose challenges with your partner due to undefined conflicts in personal relations.

Your professional front will be less progressive for gains, and you will have to be cautious on your work front as any negligence is likely hamper your future progress on the professional front. Be careful while making any professional decisions as you will have to consider pros and cons of every situation. Your rivals will be active on the work front and will try to tarnish your image and take away your professional credit, so to overcome these problems work hard with vigilance to meet your professional success during this transit.

Your personal relations will be conflicting in nature where your spouse/partner may not be very cordial due to high expectation in personal relationships. You will feel distracted and detached in your personal relationships but try to overcome all the differences in your relationships with your patience and wisdom. Be cautious in your personal, professional, and financial matters.

Take care of your health by making modifications in your daily routine eating habits and add the practice of yoga and meditation for mental and physical health during this transit.

Remedies to mitigate Challenges during this Transit

Irrespective of your Zodiac sign, observe the following for benefits during this period.

  • Apply sandalwood on forehead every day before leaving the house.
  • Consume curd and sugar before leaving the house.
  • Donate white things every Friday to the less privileged.



Natal Venus Report

The good placement of Venus is one of the most recurring events in the chart of successful people. Venus is usually judged for business acumen, character of a person, luxury, opulence and comforts in your life and the practical sense of living your life. more

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