Your Eyes Say a Lot About You!

Predictions based on Vedic Astrology

When you first see a person, what do you notice? The eyes, right? The color and shape of your eyes can define the characteristics of your personality. In this article, we reveal what your eyes say about your overall character.

Your Eyes Say a Lot About You!


According to a Latin proverb, ‘The face of a person is the portrait of their mind and Eyes acts as the informer’.

The blessing of being able to see the world is one of the most precious gifts bestowed on humankind. Eyes are considered to be one of the most complicated and vital organs of the human body. Apart from being a mere organ, eyes also are the gateway to the soul of a person. They are the most emblematic sensory organ in the human body. Eyes are said to reveal the entire story of a person that can be read easily by the other person by putting just a little bit of effort into it. Be it knowing the real intentions of a person to the health condition, everything can be deciphered by closely reading the color, depth, clarity, and shape of the eyes of a person.

As per Vedic Astrology, there are 12 different ascendants (Zodiac Signs) and each sign has a particular set of physical features assigned to them individually. The various planetary positions or placements help in determining the different facial traits of each zodiac (ascendant), especially the eyes.

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This is a Vedic Astrology analysis on how the color and shape of your eyes showcase your characters, as per your Ascendant.


Shape of the Eyes: Almond-Shaped

Color of the Eyes: Amber

You are set to have almond-shaped eyes, which is considered to be numinous and exotic in their appearance. An almond-shaped eye means that you have a visible crease in the eyelid and that the iris touches both the top as well as bottom of your eyelids. It is said that you can rarely have black eyes and the color of your eyes would majorly be from Amber to prominently brown in color. As per the shape of your eyes, you are good at hiding emotions and are super cautious about your actions and surroundings. You will have multiple love relationships in your lifespan.


Shape of the Eyes: Large Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Black

As per Vedic Astrology, you will have attractive and large eyes that are black in color. You are highly sensitive and an extremely emotional person. You remain amenable to people, information and emotions. You are a passionate individual who is majorly driven by your emotions.


Shape of the Eyes: Hooded Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Brown

You, according to the Vedic astrology, possess a pair of ‘Hooded Eyes' which are brown in color. Hooded eyes are those that have a slight bulge on the top of their upper eyelids right after the crease. The eyes appear smaller than they usually are because of the “Hood’. If we go by the type of eyes you have, it says that you are extremely cheerful and an active soul. You are extremely helpful in nature.


Shape of the Eyes: Prominent Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Black & Blue

You, as a Cancer ascendant, have ‘Prominent Eyes’. You would have a ‘lower lid and your eyes would majorly sit outside of the eye socket area and the color of your eyes would generally be Blue or Black. You are likely to be extremely sensitive and a warm-hearted individual. You are really good at advising people and helping people make the right decision at the right time. You are also known as the ‘Universal Giver’ which means you are always on your front foot to give or help people out even if it means or is at the cost of your personal loss of any type (big or small).


Shape of the Eyes: Close-Set Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Brown

You have ‘Close-Set Eyes’ that may be brown in color. Close-Set Eyes are characterized as those eyes that are less than one eyeball apart. You are Born Leaders. You are an introvert but always on the forefront to help others. Though your stubborn nature has awarded you with many names or tags, yet you have expertise in the field of communication and management skills. History has always been a captivating topic for you.


Shape of the Eyes: Deep-Set Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Brown

You have a pair of ‘Deep-Set Eyes’ that are Brown in color. The major characteristics of deep-set eyes are that they are set farther into the skull of a person. Though they are generally large in shape, their position farther back gives the viewer an illusion of a very prominent brow bone. As per Vedic astrology, you are highly intense as an individual as well as extremely romantic by nature. You are highly intellectual and keenly observe the people and things around you.


Shape of the Eyes: Round Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Brown, Light Green, Blue colored

You have a set of big and beautiful ‘Round Eyes’. The round eyes are those where the length and the breadth of the eyes seems to be equal and the white part of the eye is visible prominently. You can potentially have a whole variety of color of your eyes, starting from brown to hazel to light green to blue, varying from one individual to another. You are famous for your creative side and high mood swings. You let your creativity and imagination flow freely in order to create something extraordinary out of it.


Shape of the Eyes: Wide-Set Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Hazel

Blessed with a pair of beautiful ‘Wide-Set Eyes’; you are an extremely experimental person, who loves exploring and is highly adventurous in life. Hazel Eyed individuals are extremely broad-minded people and are a bit stubborn in nature. You are straight-talkers and, hence, generally mistaken to be blunt.



Shape of the Eyes: Small Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Black

Donning Precise ‘Small Eyes’ with the color of the eyes as Black; you have an eye for details. You are a hyperactive soul with an acute focus in life. You do not believe in sugar coating facts and hence have a direct or straight approach in your conversations. You have a one-track mind and hence love living life according to path you have drawn in your mind and never want to deviate from the same. Trusting people easily is not your cup of tea and hence you take your own sweet time in the entire process.


Shape of the Eyes: Droopy Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Black and Blue

You have a pair of the most beautiful Black or Blue colored ‘Droopy Eyes’. Droopy eyes are also commonly known as the ‘Sleepy Eyes’ or ‘Drunken Eyes’ because the border of the upper eyelid covers all or part of the pupil and gives it a droopy or dropping appearance. You are highly emotional and extremely sensitive in nature and have expertise in handling all sorts of conspiracies in your life. You are a smart worker who looks for ways to get the job done with the minimum effort.


Shape of the Eyes: Upward Slanting Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Hazel or Light Colored

You have eyes shaped in the form of a fish, commonly known as the ‘Upward Slanting Eyes’ and the color of the eyes is Hazel or Light Colored. You are known as Futurist and have a perpetual enthusiasm to explore new and artistic ideas.


Shape of the Eyes: Downward Slanting Eyes

Color of the Eyes: Hazel Colored

Your Hazel-colored, ‘Downward Slanting Eyes’ suggest you are a highly sensitive person. Because of your passionate nature, you are easily dominated by others. You have a strong sense of intuition.




As you can see, the ascendant of the zodiac is a determining factor for the color and shape of your eyes. Besides the color and shape of your eyes, the planetary position also plays a huge and crucial role in deciding the characteristics of different ascendants (Zodiac signs).


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