Your 2024 Income & Gains Analysis

Your 2024 Income & Gains Analysis


What would your income index & trends be in 2024? What would your wealth index be? What would be your potential sources of gains in 2024? Which are the sources that will drain your wealth or bring you losses and, therefore, you must avoid?

A wealth and income mapping of your horoscope will help you understand these nuances along with other facts like when would your income and gains period be activated in 2024.


How does the Wealth & Income Mapping work?

  • During 2024, planets shall pass through your house of wealth (2nd House) and your house of income (11th house) several times and for each day, week and month these houses are positively occupied, you will make more money and your wealth would swell.
  • Further, unique operational planets and their dasas in your horoscope would quantify gains that would come from either / or investments, real estate, savings, debt, self-efforts and gains that would come purely due to your luck or your hard work.
  • Similarly, your house of expenses and losses (12th House) would be activated along with your house of setbacks (8th House) and debts (6th house). The time various planets spend in these positions would cut down the gains and income and create setbacks in the form of higher expenses or losses.


The net result of all these effects would result in 2024 being a super positive, positive, average or regressive year for you in terms of wealth. This would be converted into an index by our expert Vedic astrologers.


Benefits of the 2024 Income & Gains Report

Our team would put together a curated and customized report covering dates and periods during 2024 to help you understand the following:

  • Periods of positive financial growth & periods of high expenses.
  • Potential sources of gains & channels of losses.
  • Your operational dasa and its effect on your finances during 2024.
  • A clear percentage index on a scale of 100 would be prepared for you to  understand how the year would fare for you. Our team has devised a method by which a score of 50 would represent near status quo in financial matters and scores above or lower would help you understand the level of growth or regression that could come about.
  • Vedic remedies to enhance gains or escape / mitigate losses.

Helpful Tips:

  • Get periods of positive financial growth & potential sources of gains in 2024.
  • Learn about periods of high expenses & channels of losses to avoid in 2024.
  • Get a clear percentage index on a scale of 100, where 50 would represent near status quo in financial matters & scores above or lower would help you understand the level of growth or regression that could come about.
  • Vedic remedies to enhance gains or mitigate losses in 2024.

Report Size:

12 Pages


