Aries Love - Valentine's Special Horoscope

Keep your heart open and keep your fingers crossed and welcome the Valentine’s Day with a warm hug.

Your key planet Mars is in the retrograde motion in your zodiac chart, you are likely to develop an aggressive tone and a very fierce approach towards love. However, be thankful to Jupiter’s kind blessings, humble efforts and a soften effect on a retrograde Mars. The divine aspect of Jupiter on your ruler Mars that keeps you calm and will surely open the gate for a romantic journey which very few lucky souls are able to take and reach its end.

There is no space of for superior or arrogant attitude in love. Practice sincere communication every day. Any confusion could be cleared-up with mutual understanding and affection – go ahead, and give a new thought to love. Don’t always try to have the upper hand in a relation. You need to pay attention to every likes and dislikes of your partner.

On 2nd February expressing your love through sending/smsing love quotes, phrases and short poems on love will help you to express your love in the best way. A long walk in the full moon night or a moon less can also do wonders to your relationship. The frequent phone calls will let you express your love.

The full Moon on 7th forms such a wonderful planetary combination that will take your love life to an altogether different level. To maintain the spark of love keep yourself more focused, appreciate each-other and exchange small gifts. To add a bit of extra romance in your life you can gift your partner something which he/she will like and give it for no reason. However, if you have an adventurous and open-minded partner, doing something completely new and different is likely to give your relationship a boost.

Around 12th you may realize, you might have said things you don't mean. In fact recently you are becoming a master at it. Make amends now and you'll soon see there's far too much fun to be had to allow such dramatics to take centre stage. You must not be afraid to let a loved one know about your dreams and aspirations for the future. If s/he doesn't know then how can s/he ever help you to make them become a reality?

Your romantic prospects look much better around this Valentines Day. A retrograde Mars surprisingly could bring back people from our past. You might just hear from a long-lost love or find out that someone sees you as "the one that got away". If you're in a loving relationship, avoid miscommunications with your partner. Do not drag things but spend the quality time together. There could be a moment to finally put the past behind and to work at being friends. It's the key to finding personal happiness in a loving relationship. A candle lit dinner says a lot. Book a Valentines Day candle lit dinner now.
Aries Compatibility:
Cancer Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces are most compatible Sun Signs with Aries. Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius are least compatible while Gemini and Virgo are neutrals.