Weekly Cancer Horoscope November 10, 2024 till November 16, 2024 Moon Sign based

This week, you might experience confusion in your love relationship due to the debilitated Sun. You might also doubt your partner, creating sourness in a relationship, so be cautious while communicating with your love, and adopt sweet conversations and mutual understandings to maintain harmony. Married people will increase closeness in their relationship, as the Venus transit will create mutual love and romance.

You might witness an increase in expenses due to the Ketu. If you are thinking about renovating your house, seek advice before proceeding. You are advised to be cautious while making any transactions as you might experience confusion regarding the same.

You are advised to be patient to make new investments in your business, as the debilitated Mars will weaken your decision-making ability. You will meet new people, creating a better platform for you soon. You will get an opportunity to work on a new project and get an identity in the eyes of your boss.

Students will work on their education and get the desired results. You might experience more expenses regarding education. You will remain motivated by participating in some research and assignments.

You are advised to implement healthy food habits to maintain your health and avoid expenses. Try to incorporate morning walks and yoga to improve your health.

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