Avoid hasty changes or decisions on professional front. Your friend will help you in a new project or in a job change. You will work hard to remove any confusion regarding work. It may not be a good time for share market investment. There may be loss of money due to any sudden expenditure. It will be a good time for married people, but do not discuss any past mistakes with them as it might can create tension.
Business & professional Activity: Favourable day for business deals through out. There could be success in partnerships
Love & relationships: Quite favorable. There could be rise in feelings and bonding on attempts made today.
Money Matters: Good day throughout for all kinds of monetary activities.
Dealing in stocks & shares: Average day. Gains could be moderate.
Travel: Favourable throughout.
Purchase of new house/ car: Positive day. Go ahead.
Gambling: Average day. Special day for gambler's with gambler's luck (subject to birth chart).
This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
For Match Making 8 different mental & physical attributes are compared. Weight age is assigned to each and the final score is the summation of all 8 scores.
Planet | Position | Rashi | Star |
Ascendent | 6° 54' 49" | Cap | Abhijit |
Sun | 8° 29' 5" | Cap | Abhijit |
Moon | 15° 15' 10" | Lib | Swati |
Mars(R) | 29° 30' 29" | Gem | Punarvasu |
Mercury | 26° 48' 29" | Sag | U.Asadha |
Jupiter(R) | 17° 21' 24" | Tau | Rohini |
Venus | 25° 4' 4" | Aqu | P.Bhadrapada |
Saturn | 22° 13' 13" | Aqu | P.Bhadrapada |
Rahu(R) | 4° 56' 32" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Ketu(R) | 4° 56' 32" | Vir | U.Phalguni |
Uranus(R) | 29° 4' 59" | Ari | Krittika |
Neptune | 3° 30' 25" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Pluto | 7° 32' 14" | Cap | Abhijit |
Tithi | Ashtami | upto 03:18 PM |
Yoga | Shula | upto 04:38 AM |
Nakshatra | Swati | upto 02:34 AM |
Rahukala | 12:33 PM to 01:53 PM |