Venus transits Taurus, 19 May till 12 June 2024

(Moon Sign Based)

This transit will motivate you to have the best thing in your life. You will think about achieving financial success & security. The outcomes of Venus’s transit in Taurus will depend on its position in each zodiac sign.

Venus transits Taurus, 19 May till 12 June 2024

You will feel motivated to work hard and achieve best things in life as Venus governs Taurus and Libra and it transits its own sign, Taurus.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:


You will work hard with a practical approach to gain wealth, assets and financial security due to Venus’s transit in Taurus. This transit specifies the blend of comfort, beauty, splendor, relationship, connections, passion, mental peace, and happiness with the earth element of Taurus.

  • Venus is a natural benefic planet that gives benefic results if well-placed in your horoscope and is not afflicted by malefic planets like Rahu/Ketu and Mars.
  • You will be inclined towards artistic endeavours and will enjoy a successful professional life with promotion, salary increment and reputation at workplace. On the contrary, it will affect domestic peace and prosperity due to frequent discord with partner and lack of physical gratification.
  • You will enjoy all kind of materialistic gains in life and strong relationships with your near and dear ones, thanks to the blessings of a strong Venus. Whereas the weak placement of Venus in your horoscope disturbs your wealth stability and create discord in relations.
  • Benefic Venus, when combines with strong Rahu (dragon’s head) in your horoscope, can make you a well-known celebrity in an artistic field, like an actor.


How will this Transit affect You?



You will get success in your personal and professional endeavors. With your capability to work under pressure and creative skills, you will deliver your professional work within the stipulated time frame with the support of your colleagues.

Your love life will see a good time during this transit. Spend some quality time with your family or partner to strengthen your relationship more than ever.

New opportunities are on your way through which you will see a new progress in your professional life. With your talent and working skills, you will get recognition and appreciation at work. If you are a business entrepreneur, then you have flourishing opportunities that will help in good earnings and in maintaining wealth consistency.

You will have the blessings of a friendly relation with your partner, outings with them will give you moments to cherish.

If you are a female, then this transit will be good for the health of children. Also, it is an ideal period to maintain your individuality in your personal relationships.

If you are working in a creative field, your business/work will see a new high during this phase. In addition, you will enjoy a great relationship with your partner as Venus is in the 2nd house of wealth and family, and it aspects on the 7th house of personal and professional relationship.



You will see a positive change in your nature that will enhance your personality during this phase. This is a favorable period to change your job or start a new work in your business.

You can go for outings with your partner/spouse and enjoy a romantic date to strengthen your bond. You need to take care of your physical and mental health as a lot of outings might not give you ample time to rest.

You will enjoy good financial growth, but your expenses will be high due to which you may not be capable of savings. Any kind of professional negligence will create financial stringency during this period as Venus, the lord of the 1st and 6th houses, transits 1st house of self.

New opportunities will give you instant profits that will help your career. If you are a business entrepreneur, you will enjoy success with good profits, but any kind of professional negligence at the work front will not be good for your ventures.

You will get instant loan approval during this period if needed, or respite from any legal concerns, thanks to the blessings of Venus.

Your personal front will be progressive due to the aspect of Venus on the 4th house of domestic happiness. You will enjoy romantic moments with your partner. There might be delay in turning your love relationship into marriage.

Take care of your health by following a healthy diet and exercise regime.



This transit gives you great earning, but it might take more time than usual. You may spend more money on luxuries and comfort, but it is wise to save money for rainy days. This is a favorable period to travel abroad.

You need to be attentive towards your personal affairs and take care of your partner’s/spouse’s health during this period.

You need to put in more efforts to deal with this period as Venus, the lord of 5th and 12th house of love, children and expenditure transits Taurus in 12th house.

This is the time to be cautious regarding your professional life. You may not get recognition for your hard work and you need to deal with obstacles in your way, especially if working in home country.

Venus transits its own sign in 12th house, so any professional venture with foreign connection will see a new high. You need to be attentive towards your expenses to enjoy good financial stability.

On relationship front, you need to be cautious and polite as chances of conflicts with your partner or spouse are there. Your honest and polite approach will help you in maintaining harmony in your personal relationship.

Your health may suffer, there can be concerns related to leg pain or infections. If you are expecting, then you need to be very careful.



You will enjoy good earning and fulfilment of desires would be possible during this phase. promotion and salary increment is possible during this period. Any stuck money will get relived. But be careful while making any investment and it is wise to take financial experts' advise before making a decision.

Your partner or spouse will give you respect and love, and you will enjoy their company during this phase. To enjoy good financial stability, avoid speculation.

Venus, the lord of 4th and 11th house of domestic peace and prosperity, transits Taurus in the 11th house depicting profits, fulfillment of desires and elder siblings.

Your career prospects will be progressive where new opportunities will give you gains and your hard work will be recognized by your seniors at your workplace.

If you are an independent entrepreneur, you will get success over your competitors and enjoy a good profit. You will earn more profit from different sources. You will save good amount of money which will help you in stabilizing financial growth.

You will enjoy sweet bonding with your partner. Your married life will see good romantic time with your spouse. You will have good bonding with your children and their progress will make you happy and content.

Take care of your mother’s health as it may require medical attention, in a general way.



Your career will see a new high during this phase. New opportunities are on your way that will demand honesty and hard work to provide a new growth to your career. Your contacts will help you in your success on financial and career front.

Your relationship with your family and spouse will be good and their advice will help you in maintaining good financial stability.

Venus, the lord of the 3rd and 10th houses of efforts and career, transits Taurus in the 10th house of career and status indicating progress with hard work.

You will enjoy great progress on the professional front that will help you in financial profit. Your hard work and honest effort will be liked by your senior or boss and you will get recognition, salary increment and promotion at workplace.

If you are in a business, then your presentation will be liked by your clients, and they will give you a big order that will be profitable for your business.

Transfer will be favorable for your career growth. You will have stable financial status during this transit through good income.

You will get love and support from your partner, and you will move ahead in the relationship to secure marriage with them. There will be peace and harmony in your marital relationship.

Unconditional affection and support from elder siblings will help you in your overall progress during this period.

Avoid egoistic behaviour with your loved ones to maintain happiness and prosperity in family. Take care of your health by following a good diet and exercise regime.



You may go on a long-distance work-related trip that will be beneficial for career prospects. Venus’ transit will cause opportunities that will enlighten your spiritual knowledge and provide you with an opportunity to get a higher education that will enhance your intellectual consciousness.

Venus, the lord of 2nd house and 9th house of family and fortune, transits Taurus in the 9th house of fortune, causes positive results due to its placement in its own sign.

Your career prospects will present you with gains and benefits from overseas project or connection. If you are an independent entrepreneur, then you will get good profit by finalizing new sources of income.

You will enjoy a successful relationship with your partner or spouse. By spending quality time with your spouse, you will develop a great understanding with them and enjoy your married life.

A clear communication with your partner or family member over any matter will bring peace, harmony and depth in personal and familial relationships.



You will enjoy good gains from unexpected sources. Your interest in religion will encourage you to participate enthusiastically in religious pursuits. Family issues are foreseen, so try to spend more time with them to understand each other well.

Take care of your health. Take medical attention, even if you have a minor health concern.

Venus is the lord of the ascendant and 8th house of self, sudden loss/gains and occult science and its transit in Taurus in the 8th house will bring moderate results.

Your career prospects may not bring progress/earnings during this period. There will be workload on the job front due to negligence in the management of professional affairs.

You may experience setbacks in your business prospects due to a wrong decision. But foreign prospects are likely to give favorable results and sudden abroad travels are possible.

You may benefit from inheritance or speculation, but try to be attentive in money matters.

You may not enjoy a cordial relationship with your parents and spouse. Due to misunderstanding, there might be conflicts with your partner or family members as Venus aspects 2nd house of family and speech. Try to have a clear and healthy conversation with your partner or family members to maintain harmony in the relationship.



This transit will be less beneficial for you in terms of marriage and love matters. There will be a lack of mutual understanding and you may not enjoy harmony in your relationship with partner or spouse.

You may not see success in your professional venture. You may not get the support of your partner in all your professional endeavors. Venus works in malefic nature for Scorpio, so it is responsible for moderate results.

Venus is the lord of 7th and 12th houses of partnership, loss and expenditure and it transits Taurus in the 7th house of partnership indicating less favorable results.

There might be some issue in business partnership and with colleagues due to difference of opinion. This will lead to issues at workplace or in business ventures.

There may be monetary loss and travel prospects may not give you expected outcome during this transit. Be attentive towards money matters and don’t make investments without thinking about pros and cons.

This will be a moderate phase for personal relationships. Lack understanding and less tuning with partner will lead to problems in your relationship. Conflicts and arguments may affect the health of your partner and they may not give their 100% in maintaining harmony. Try to build a good understanding to deal with relationship challenges during this period.



There will be challenges in your love life, so try to avoid conflicts with your partner. Due to unexpected expenses at home, you may not have a good financial condition during this transit. Avoid extravagance and try to save some money for rainy days. You should take care of your health and avoid junk food.

Venus is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses of debt, disease and fulfillment of desires where its transit in Taurus in the 11th house can bring legal issues, less progressive relationships and health issues; but gains by inheritance is possible.

Due to work pressure and less cooperation with colleagues, you may not enjoy your professional life. You may change your job with less salary hike due to work pressure in the current one.

If you are an independent entrepreneur, you need to be attentive towards every move as any kind of negligence or wrong decision may lead to loss in your business ventures.

You may experience financial crunch during this period due to which you will take loan to meet your immediate requirement.

You may not enjoy harmony in your personal relationship. But a small adjustment with your spouse/partner can fix any relationship issue. Argument over a small thing can create distance with your partner and misunderstanding will start making its space in your relationship. So, try to have a healthy conversation with your partner to deal with relationship challenges.



You will experience love and support from your partner that will strengthen your relationship. In marital life, this period is progressive for progeny prospects.

The transit of Venus in Taurus will cause favorable results for you. If you are a student, then you will get a great opportunity to flourish in your academic pursuits.

Venus is the lord of the 5th and 10th house of love, children, career and its transit in Taurus in 5th house of love and children will cause beneficial results.

Great opportunities are on your way to enhance your career and you will be able to make the best use of the opportunity. Venus’s transit in the 5th house will give you satisfaction in your business/job.

You may have the opportunity to connect with foreign projects. If you are an independent entrepreneur, your ability to take correct decisions will make your professional ventures more productive in money matters. You may also have good earning through speculation.

You will enjoy a great time with your partner/spouse during this transit. If not yet married, you may make a commitment towards marriage. In your married life, you may explore new ways to express your feelings to your spouse.



You will do well at your workplace and your hard work will be recognized by your superiors; your colleagues will support you. You may spend money on buying a new home, vehicle or renovating your house.

There will be harmony in your relationship. But take care of your health as a busy schedule might affect your health. Mother’s health needs to be taken care of too.

Venus is the lord of 4th and 9th house of domestic happiness and fortune and it transits 4th house of happiness, which will be beneficial and prosperous for you.

Your hard work will be liked by your seniors and boss, and you will get a portion and salary hike as a reward for your performance. If you are a businessperson, then your business will see a new high. You will enjoy a good financial status during this period.

Relationships on the personal front will be successful and strong. There will be peace and harmony with your partner/spouse.



You need to work hard to get professional achievement as this transit will give you ups and downs in life. Relationship with your partner/spouse will be afflicted. Finance will be stringent due to negligence.

You may suffer from digestion issues due to sleeping discomfort, so take care of your health and avoid taking stress.

Venus is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses of short travel, siblings, initiative, and obstacles and the transit in Taurus in the 3rd house will not be encouraging in terms of progress.

You may follow a well-disciplined approach at work, but there are strong chances of mistakes in your career ventures. In turn, you may aspire to change your job due to strict job situations and worse working ambience.

If you are a businessperson, you may not concentrate on your work that affect your progress in delivering your commitments on time.

Due to lack of mutual understanding and conflicts, there might be a rift between you and your partner/spouse. Try to have a healthy conversation to iron-out misunderstandings and strengthen your bond.

Health is likely to be affected due to stress and junk food.


Remedies to mitigate Challenges during this Transit

Irrespective of your Sign, you can observe the following to lessen or mitigate the adverse effects during this period.

  • Feed green fodder to cows daily.
  • Offer white flowers at a place of worship every Friday.
  • Wear a diamond or silver ring to enhance the strength of Venus.


Natal Venus Report

The good placement of Venus is one of the most recurring events in the chart of successful people. Venus is usually judged for business acumen, character of a person, luxury, opulence and comforts in your life and the practical sense of living your life. more

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