Transit of Mercury in Libra begins on 7th November 2019 and shall culminate on 5th December 2019. For Libra moon sign natives, this transit is going to take place in their 1st house, which represents their personality, physical characteristics, behavioral traits, temperament and immune system.
The above explanation pretty well sums up the significance of this transit for Libra moon sign born people, who will witness a remarkable change in disposition, during this transit of Mercury.
Mercury, which rules the 12th and 9th house of Libra moon sign is going to be in the retrograde state till 21st November 2019, while still being transiting in Libra.
This period will ask you to step back and analyze what went wrong at what point which stopped you from attaining your goal and fulfilling your desires.
This period will also make you realize the importance of elder’s advice, as the guidance from seniors, at workplace and from your mentor and father is going to lend you the necessary support to sail past the challenging periods of Mercury’s transit in Libra, successfully.
The transit of Mercury in Libra is going to make the Libra moon sign natives take on repetitive tasks. They will be unsure of their actions and would thus resort to double and triple check on things. This could be quite frustrating and may give rise to mental stress, if not kept a check on.
The transit of Mercury in Libra in your 1st house will strengthen your relationship with your father, who will be your biggest support system in this period of ups and downs. Though luck will favor you on domestic front, you will still need to put in efforts to leverage the perks of destiny.