Retrograde Jupiter in Aries (4 Sep – 31 Dec)

Retrograde Jupiter gives you the chance to make modifications to complete your pending responsibilities or rectify any mistake made in the past; but if you fail to rectify your mistakes then problems related to the matter of concern are intensified during the transit.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries (4 Sep – 31 Dec)

Jupiter is the natural benefic planet in Vedic astrology that governs Sagittarius and Pisces sign. It is the natural significator of knowledge, wisdom, wealth, spirituality progress, good health, expansion of events, represents children, husband, mentor or teacher.

  • Retrograde movement of Jupiter in astrology indicates that it has the special powers during its retrograde motion to resolve the issues pertaining at the time of transit.
  • Retrograde Jupiter gives you the chance to make modifications to complete your pending responsibilities or rectify any mistakes made in the past; but if you fail to rectify your mistakes then problems related to the matter of concern are intensified during the transit.
  • Jupiter is a natural benefic planet so it will bless you with the pending benefits during its retrograde period depending on the placement of Jupiter in your horoscope.


How will Retrograde Jupiter affect you?



You will experience confusion in your decision-making ability, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in your ascendant or 1st house of self and personality, while issues related to your father’s health will demand attention, conflicts in personal/familial relations are possible. Jupiter’s retrogression in your ascendant will initiate you to step back and think about your problems and focus your attention on the available resources to resolve these issues which will be highlighted.

You will pay attention to your own health and your family’s health, especially your father’s health, which will help him have a progressive health and relationship with you. You will monitor your personal and professional front where you will have wise communication with your partner over the matter of concern to clear confusions and improve your relationships, financial matters on the professional front will improve by making modification in your working skills



Your health will be triggered, and you will face financial losses, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 12th house of loss, foreign settlement. You will have to be vigilant towards your health during the retrograde period of Jupiter where your negligence towards your health may bring medical expenditure during this period, so it will be wise for you to bring modifications in your lifestyle, eating habits and practice yoga and meditation for good health.

Avoid taking any major financial decision related to professional investment, especially overseas connection as they may not give fruitful results. You are advised to keep vigilance over your social circle and friends as chances of getting cheated are strong during this time but on the positive side it is a very good time for learning something related to research work.



Jupiter will retrograde in the 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires which will prove to be a tough transit for you as you are likely to face conflicts on the business front where there will be misunderstandings with your partner/associates over financial matters, so try to solve your conflict as it will not be beneficial for future prospects. You will not receive expected gains on the job front but it is the right opportunity to voice your dissatisfaction over your professional rewards.

Your personal relationships with your partner/spouse will require vigilance and wisdom for its peace and harmony and it is the right time to pay attention on your relationships by increasing your mutual understanding with your partner.



There will be positive changes in your professional life, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 10th house of career and status. This transit will prove progressive for your career if you make the right kind of efforts that is required according to your prevailing situations than positive results will come in the long run.

It is necessary for you to understand that change in your career front is essential as conflicts and misunderstandings are liable to emerge in your existing workplace that will spoil your work environment. Vigilance over the personal and domestic front is essential as conflicts with father over small matters are possible and previous health issues may resurface so caution over his health prospects will be beneficial. Try to resolve any litigation matters with mutual consent outside the court.



You will have strong chances of bad health and conflicting relationships with your father, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 9th house of father, luck and spirituality, but you are advised that this transit will initiate you to take care of your fathers health and maintain good relations with him to gain his blessings for your future progress.

On the other hand, this transit will have the ability to bless those couples with birth of child who were facing obstacles in progeny matters. Love prospects will face challenges in their relationships due to egoistic approach towards their partner and this could lead to separation if not handled wisely. Students will have the ability to pursue higher studies especially those related with research work



You will have to face lots of conflicts, misunderstandings, and disharmony in personal and domestic relationships due to your own negligence, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 8th house of hurdles, sudden loss/gain. So, vigilance and efforts to clear all doubts with your partner and loved ones will be essential to maintain peace and harmony in marital and familial relationships.

Avoid any kind of financial investments over your any assets or property during this transit will not be beneficial. Take care of your mother’s health and avoid any argument with her as it may affect her health and mental peace. This transit will initiate you to analyze your problems and mistakes on the personal/domestic front that you are making unconsciously and try to rectify it collectively with your loved ones to bring prosperity in your personal relations.



There will be conflicts and challenges in your marital relationships, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 7th house of marriage and partnership, so this transit will less progressive for your personal relationships. Those individuals who are proceeding through the separation from their partner must reconsider their mistakes and reconcile with their partner.

If single and aspiring to get married, you should postpone your decision during the retrograde transit. Professional partnership will require attention and vigilance over financial matters to avoid any doubts and confusion with each other. You should act with responsibility in relationships and try to avoid any kind of conflict with wise efforts and take steps to resolve issues with your loved ones.



You will encounter renewed conflicts and challenges in your personal and professional front, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 6th house of debts, disease and rivals. You may have issues in relationships with your partner/spouse and family. Students who are aspiring for higher education/competitive exams will have to work hard or postpone their decision for a while. On the contrary the retrograde transit of Jupiter in Aries is beneficial times to rethink about your beneficial gains are, your relationships or materialistic gains.

This is the correct time to modify and redefine your balance approach towards your materialistic gains and relationships with your loved ones. You will have to work hard on the academic front with more efforts and focus during this transit for your success. Reconsider your relationships with controlled communication and do not speculate with your finances or they may cause debt.



This transit is likely to bring challenges in your love relationships due to lack of mutual trust and understanding with your partner. You will have to, take care of your happiness in your love/family relationships but be extra vigilant over your personal and father health. The retrograde Jupiter in Aries indicates that you will have to work with vigilance to rectify any mistake made with your partner/spouse/family in your personal relations.

Your progeny issues that were facing obstacles, delay and medical issues will be resolved during this time. Responsible attitude and approach will be required in love relationships and those in serious settlement will have the opportunity to take their relationship into marriage commitment but honesty in relationships will be essential.



There will be conflicts in relationships with mother/siblings, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 4th house of family happiness, domestic peace, property and mother. You will have to rethink about your decisions over money matters related to your profession or delay any investment related to ant assets.

The transit of Jupiter in the Aries sign correct time for retrospection towards your impulsive decisions and responsibilities, it will be wise for you make progressive efforts to resolve issues in your family relationships and be alert towards your mother’s health. You should rethink over the matters related to money investment or financial decisions to avoid any kind of setback due to increase in expenditure.



Jupiter will retrograde in Aries in the 3rd house of initiative, efforts, siblings and short travels indicates that this transit will bring focus on your saving and finances along with relationships. You will have to make manipulated efforts in your personal and familial relationships where you will have to make wise and conscious efforts to use the right tone and choice of words while communicating with your loved ones as not to hurt them and bring conflicts in relationships.

Your finances will be affected due to the retrograde transit of Jupiter where it will be wise for you to reconsider that your investments are profitable or not. This is the correct time to evaluate your responsibilities towards your family relationships and spending quality time with them is more essential rather than focusing on your materialistic gains.



There will be changes on the professional front and you will have to be vigilant over your health/your family’s health with general vigilance as gain in weight can bring associated health issues, due to Jupiter’s retrogression in Aries in the 2nd house family, speech, wealth and a relationship. Relationships will be an added asset if you are able to maintain peace and prosperity with your loved ones.

Your professional front will be highlighted during this transit where you will have challenges that will need modifications for the better functioning of your professional prospects. Control over your expenditure is essential as being lavish in spending will not be beneficial for your wealth quotient. The retrograde Jupiter in Aries advises you to focus your wisdom in your both the arenas of materialistic gains and relationships with balanced approach.


Remedies to mitigate ill-effects of Retrograde Jupiter

Irrespective of your Zodiac sign, you can follow the steps below to overcome challenges of this transit.

  • Wear yellow as it signifies Jupiter and develops peace and tranquility. Adding yellow to your outfit especially on Thursdays is beneficial.
  • Keep a yellow handkerchief in your pocket for progress.
  • Wear yellow sapphire on your index finger to enhance the power of Jupiter and be blessed with wisdom and knowledge.
  • Donate yellow items, especially on Thursdays.