Retrograde Saturn

Retrograde Saturn


Activity, Confusion & Need for Caution – 29th June to 16th November 2024

Sunday, 30th June onwards a shift in energy will hit us due to the commencement of Saturn’s retrogression motion. The effects would be more pronounced if Saturn influences you heavily and in those areas that fall under the portfolio of Saturn. This will continue till 16th November 2024, effecting your life both positively as well as bringing many factors under a drag effect, making it necessary for you to understand the impact and the factors causing it.

What is Saturn Retrogression

When Saturn retrogresses, it appears to move backward in the solar system due to the deferential revolution speeds of Earth & Saturn, making Saturn seem it is moving backwards. While physical Saturn doesn’t move back, the zodiac records a backwards move across nearly 7 degrees and these 7 degrees will be travelled again by Saturn once it resumes direct motion on 16th November. This phase therefore creates a déjà vu as you experience some effects three times, but under different filters each time, as Saturn transverses the same orb thrice over about 8 months.

Saturn’s retrogression is like hitting a dirt track from paved roads. It could provide you a shortcut to success and completely derail you at the same time

How will Saturn’s Retrogression affect You?

  • During these 4.5 months, Saturn will make some positive connections with Sun, Mars & Venus creating opportunities during July in various parts of your life.
  • The August phase of this retrograde Saturn requires maximum caution as it gets into a confrontative mode with the same planets along with Jupiter causing many irrational situations.
  • Finally September & October will see a respite and opportunities arising out of the same challenges.
  • As the retrogression progresses, the intensity of hurdles could rise and confusion could prevail in terms of perceived targets. The solution lies in remaining focused and not getting derailed.
  • Do note that Saturn is extremely powerful during retrogression and if you redirect the energy to your advantage, there would be bountiful gains both professionally as well as in personal life.
  • It's true that Saturn’s retrogression phase is tricky. New projects and beginnings are not advised during this period. But this phase can also be highly reliable and very beneficial if you manage to adapt successfully.

Benefits of Saturn Retrogression Transit Report

  • The report will help you understand the energy play and those areas of your life that get activated with this transit.
  • Saturn will flatter to deceive and then threaten to take away and eventually reward you all during this phase itself.
  • The report will help you find the connection and understand what is coming next.
  • It is obvious that such jerks forward & backwards will create opportunities and challenges and we will try and cover these aspects in the report.
  • Classic Vedic remedies to counter the friction caused by Saturn’s retrogression
  • The transit will store huge energy in a specific part of your horoscope. As soon as the retrogression comes to an end, that energy - if used well - will deliver the results you seek. This report will help you understand how.
  • Vedic remedies to reduce the friction in life during this period.

Helpful Tips:

  • Understand the areas of your life that will get activated by this transit.
  • Understand how you can make retrograde Saturn deliver the results you seek.
  • Identify opportunities & challenges that will come your way.
  • Vedic remedies to reduce friction in life during this period.

Report Size:

12 Pages


