Amala Yoga Analysis

Amala Yoga Analysis


Good Karma is your ticket to Success

The underlying principle of Amala Yoga is the ability and potential of the person (i.e., you) to do good. For all of us who believe in the theory of Karma, good begets good and therefore this unique Yoga gives you the ability to do good things and get the benefits from such good deeds in the current lifetime itself.

This Yoga is formed when the benign planets (Jupiter and/or Venus and/or Mercury) reside in your house of action, career and karma.

A yoga is Vedic Astrology’s unique method of calculating some stellar positions and combinations of planets where the Sum of the effect of those planets is more than the Parts that add up to form the Yoga. A Yoga confers some unique and powerful results, whether they are beneficial or maleficent on the person where the Yoga resides.

How does Amala Yoga affect your life?

  • This Yoga makes you a person with good intentions, grand actions, enjoying the confidence and friendship of people around you.
  • If Jupiter forms this Yoga, you will have a respectable and influential profession that may make you a wise and powerful leader.
  • If Venus creates this Yoga, you will be successful in the mass media and creative field with a good reputation, popularity and success in life. You will earn money and prosperity in the glamour world.
  • If Mercury forms this Yoga, you will be successful in finance, accounting, engineering, and print media. Mercury will make you affluent, but also stingy and clever.

Some famous personalities with Amala Yoga in their horoscope

  • Warren Buffet (American Business Tycoon & Philathropist)
  • Mahatma Gandhi (Father of Nation, India)
  • Amitabh Bachchan (Indian Actor)


They are examples of the riches and success this Yoga delivers in the pure form.

How can you amplify the benefits of this Yoga?

  • The simple rule is to work hard and selflessly.
  • Sometime the Yoga has a negative planet accompanying it and that is a warning to not let the negative thoughts or contrary actions overrule your good and pure instincts to help others.
  • The owner of Amala Yoga benefits greatly from good actions while getting punished more than usual for bad action – since nature gave you the ability to lead & do good.

Why should you order the Amala Yoga Report?

Amala Yoga is a blessing that can be amplified by your good conduct & benevolent actions. Our team would prepare for you an Amala Yoga report to:

  • Analyze the quality of Amala Yoga in your horoscope, how strong it is.
  • Discern if the Yoga in your birth chart is hindered by bad planets.
  • Map when it will deliver its maximum results for you (early, mid or old age).
  • Provide guidance on actions you should take & avoid to enhance good effects.
  • Map effects over the next 5 years.

Helpful Tips:

  • Analyze the strength of Amala Yoga in your horoscope.
  • Map when it will deliver its maximum results for you (early, mid or old age).
  • Guidance on actions you should take & avoid, to enhance good effects.
  • Map effects over the next 5 years.

Report Size:

12 Pages


