To substantiate that we are indeed proceeding in the right direction in our investigative astrology, let us look into the epidemic diseases in the past that originated from the animals. Two such diseases ravaged the world in the past. One was the bird flu and another one was the mad cow disease. Form the varga chart above, we can see Pisces as the signifactor for crow or bird family. Pisces stands for northeastern direction. The bird flu was virulent in the north east parts of the globe such as China, Indonesia, Thailand etc.
Similarly the mad cow disease is connected to the cattle. We can locate it in the Vrishabhaaya in the varga chart above since Vrishabha stands for bull or cattle family. The signs occupied by Vrishabha indicate western direction. Mad cow disease originated in the west (UK). If we analyze the Solar year charts when these diseases broke out we can find a connection to the 6th house indicators in the yearly chart of the sun.
Outbreak of Mad cow disease
Following is the chart of the Solar New year of 1995, the year when Mad cow disease spread to humans as an epidemic.
Sun 0 Ar 00' 05.36" Aswi 1
Moon 12 Vi 27' 35.92" Hast 1
Mars 21 Cn 42' 22.34" Asre 2
Mercury 29 Pi 38' 48.25" Reva 4
Jupiter (R) 21 Sc 20' 14.89" Jye 2
Venus 26 Aq 36' 43.49" PBha 2
Saturn 25 Aq 50' 54.12" PBha 2
Rahu 12 Li 30' 29.76" Swat 2
Ketu 12 Ar 30' 29.76" Aswi 4

Last Updated on July 20, 2023

Jayasree Saranathan