Cancer Marriage Horoscope 2019

Cancer Marriage

Cancer 2019 Marriage Horoscope: Time to fall in love is here!

2019 is going to be a bag full of surprises for Cancer Moon Sign natives. If you can’t wait to know when is the perfect time to get married to the love of your life in 2019 or when will you find your soul mate to the live happily ever after, then read through the Cancer 2019 marriage horoscope.

Cancer 2019 marriage astrology shows that Jupiter will be in your 5th house. It is the house of romance and love affairs. This may be the perfect time to find your love interest and for others who are with their love partners, there love would blossom.  However, there won’t be much color and sparkle in your life from the marriage point of view.  The non-supportive Mercury can cause disputes and disagreements in marriage related conversations on the other hand, as per the Cancer Marriage Horoscope.

Moon Sign: This 2019 horoscope analysis is for Cancer Moon Sign, the zodiac where Moon was placed in your birth chart. If you are not sure of your Moon Sign, you can find it out easily

Cancer 2019 Marriage Predictions: What lies ahead?

Mercury is the lord of 3rd and 12th house for lunar Cancer. It will make you to aspire for more which might lead to chances of losing even more on your personal life in the process.  This dark cupid shows the probability of increasing financial cramps which can take off the mind/interest of Cancer from marriage related matters.

Married couples with moon in Cancer should try to be careful and patient in 2019. Squabbles & Disputes due to financial crisis/ increasing financial needs can affect your jovial bond. Jupiter is the lord of 6th house of struggle to survive which has a reputation of causing troubles in the relationships.
Saturn is the lord of the 7th house, i.e. House of Marriage but it is posited in 6th house in transit. So, even Saturn is not favoring Cancer much for marriage related matters, as per the Cancer marriage predictions 2019.

Cancer 2019 Marriage Horoscope: Are there some positives to look forward to 2019?

Don’t let your spirits bow low as these positioning of planets in your horoscope make things difficult but not all together impossible. The talks related to marriage may not start on a pleasant note but can end well if taken care of. So, get you mojo, cruise over the deadlock to meet you love interest. You can overcome disagreements, disputes, differences and problems if you stand firm and keep faith.

Faith brings great results & here is the one - Saturn will remain in Venus nakshatra throughout the year in your horoscope. Venus is a natural significator of marriage and the lord of good houses in your horoscope namely 4th and 11th house. Single people with Cancer moon, here is Venus giving you much needed relief and love, as per Marriage Horoscope 2019 for Cancer. This position has panache to create very bright and favorable prospects for marriage.

Cancer 2019 Marriage Horoscope: progeny matters

Jupiter is the significator of progeny. In your case, Jupiter is the lord of 6th house and in 2019 transiting the 5th house of progeny. As per Cancer 2019 Marriage Horoscope, you must observe ample precautions when it comes to progeny matters in the year 2019.
If you are thinking of trying luck in marriage for the second time, the chances seem bright for you. But only if you have got separated from your first spouse legally. The chances of consummation of second marriage are good provided it is done legally/ on papers.


2nd January 2019 to 29th January 2019-
During this phase, there would be chances that cupid strikes your crush with the golden arrow. Single folks, you are likely to meet the person, you have waited since forever & after that a beautiful relationship is on the cards. Married people, there are chances that you will remain cranky and grouchy during this period.

25th February 2019 to 22nd March 2019- This period is favorable for sending in marriage proposals. Relationships formed in this period are expected to be ebullient.

23rd March 2019 to 16th April 2019- Marriage proposal during this period might get stuck due to may be dowry issues or get withdrawal due to the flickering interest of parties.
5th June 2019 to 29th June 2019- The proposals that will come during this period are worth keeping. There are chances that even arranged marriage might turn into love marriage during these days.

5th October 2019 to 28th October 2019 -
chances of love marriage during this period are frail. But, there are grand possibilities that you will meet someone who would blow your mind and hit your checklist.

29th October 2019 to 22nd October 2019- This can be the best period for love marriages only if some initial hurdles are crossed patiently. Married couples try to stay away from anything which can cause tiff between you and your partner.