In this case ascendant is the head which is the seat of the brain and therefore Mercury who is ascendant lord becomes important. The 6th lord’s Navamsa dispositor is Saturn who is with Mercury in the 6th house in rasi chart and this made Mercury as afflicted and denotes the ailment connected with the Brain. Mercury’s Navamsa dispositor is Jupiter who is debilitated in rasi and the Sun is in avayogi star.
Bone Cancer

In this case the bone indicator and karaka is the Sun and bone marrow is Mars who occupies dustanas and in bad nakshatras. And the Navamsa dispositor of the 6th house is Mercury, who is in the 8th and denotes limb part of the body having bone problem. Mars is also debilitated in Navamsa. In the case of bone cancer we have to see the Sun. Here the Sun is in the avayoga nakshatra along with the dispositor of the 6th.

Last Updated on July 17, 2023

Dr. T.S. Vasan